
Is it wrong to sell people on ebay?

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Is it wrong to sell people on ebay?




  1. No, only to buy them.

  2. yes lol i think so enless its a good price

  3. No.  Just parts of people.

  4. depending if its for charity or not

  5. no its really cool... even if you sell babies (like i do brangelina often buy from me) lol joke.

  6. SELL kids on E-Bay? your joking you can have my 3 for nothing!!!!!

  7. Of course not. I'm thinking of putting my Boss on there (don't think I'll get many bidders though). Maybe I shall opt for Buy it Now.

  8. If it's in fun and the person knows you're selling them, then no there's nothing wrong at all.

    If it's got anything to do with children, prostitution or forced slavery, then it's absolutely wrong. Ultimately, if you have to ask then the best thing to do is avoid it.

  9. not so if any one wants yopu can sell your product

  10. u can sell legaly what u produce

  11. alive or dead?

  12. Um, Not only wrong but ILLEGAL.. lmfao..

  13. Imagine the post and packging charge, especially if you was to sell a big person LOL.

    No it's not ok to sell people on ebay & it is illegal.

    Why you ask? Have you got someone you want rid of? LOL

  14. that depends on how much cash you get for them.

  15. Yeah, I tried to sell my kids because they were getting on my wick and eBay told me off - apparently this comes under livestock - I argued that I'd seen a listing for a guy selling his mother-in-law, but they still wouldn't let me!!

  16. I don't think so, but others may not like it, considering they'll have to be boxed up with little oxygen, and a lot of ppl don't like flying...

  17. it not legal to sell any human being !!

    but this one women did get around it by putting her house for sale on ebay but under terms and conditions she stated that she comes with the house so she was selling herself in a way by saying " comes with a wife " but this wasnt illegal just very dumb !!!! lol

  18. Not at all, I sold my wife last year on ebay, just make sure that you get payed, best to use PayPal.

  19. no sell me sell me

  20. its quite funny but im mentally challenged so.........

  21. No, just so long as you get at least 5 figures

  22. No I have sold many of my slaves on ebay ,  well the ones I haven't worked to death anyway.

  23. i've sold imaginary friends

  24. Yes, many die in the post

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