
Is it wrong to smoke pot in front of kids????

by Guest61898  |  earlier

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i'm a pot head alot of my friends smoke in front of the kids i tell them its wrong but they say that it ok




  1. uhhhhhhhh yeahhH!

    there health is at risk.

  2. The worst.They will simulate and get hooked on pot.

  3. yyyyeeeessssssssss       it will just make them want to smoke it  witch will lead a big chain of smoking pot

  4. WOW your soo cool i wanna be just like you!!! you all need your *** kicked! why would you want to smoke in front of kids? douch bags

  5. of course its wrong.  horribly horribly wrong

  6. Very wrong, they will grow up with a worped sence of me

  7. YES. i think its wrong to even smoke pot if you have kids...if you cant stop...keep your kids as far away as you can from it

  8. i grew up with a parent who smokes cigs and pot. i think its wrong to smoke it because of health problems but i dnt think you should hide it frm your child either. it doesnt make you a bad person. my dad is the calmest  person and is very smart. as for other drugs i think are wrong. ive never seen someone smoke pot and want to go kill someone. since i grew up with that i feel no need to do it. and no people you dont growup fucked up if your parents did pot.  

  9. It's not ok. You are breaking the law. If you get caught they will take your kids while you sit on your rump in jail. Kick your fellow pot heads out of your house. You quit smoking it too. Get yourself an education and a job and quit messing with c**p that could get your kids taken away.

  10. yes, that is def. wrong, little kids dont need to be breathing in that stuff. go somewhere else where kids arent around.

  11. I'd say you're right and your friends are wrong. Their kids will tend to imitate their behavior -- I remember in particular watching a little girl say "smoke good" and suck on an imaginary joint. And they're exposing their kids to pot smoke, with unknown effects on the developing brain.

  12. Well this is a hard question.....

    I am Jamaican, and growing up my family smoked in front of us all the time, I never saw a problem with it cause my dad said it was natural, from the earth....

    But as an adult who is now a nurse, I believe it is wrong, that is second hand smoke that they are breathing in, let alone a second hand I think that you should not do this or allow anyone to do this infront of your kids.

    If it is your kids, then you are their protection this is your job to make sure they are safe at all times....

    But on another note, I am still tring to get my family to stop it infront of my younger family (cousins, and nieces)....

    Lucky I don't smoke and either does my husband.....but hey to each there own

  13. lol...

    thanks funny cuz my uncle charlie smokes pot in front of his kids.

    I dont think it good because if they could tell one of their little buddys at school and if a teacher hears that or word gets around you could be in some deep ****!!!

  14. Well, i think its wrong and if CPS found out they're smoking up in front of the kids, i think they'd agree.

  15. Yes it is wrong. I used to smoke around my sound but not directly in front of him, but I used to always feel guilty when he looked at me and I can only imagine how I looked to him. I remember trying to help him do his homework one day and I was high as h**l and I couldn't think straight and I felt so bad afterwards.But I will have been clean 2 years tommorow so its not worth it. And also its hard to tell kids not to do drugs when you do it in front of them.  

  16. VERY wrong!  

  17. No its not okay, they will probably get stoned from the fumes, this is so wrong, i would smoke it the odd time but no way in front of or around my kids!!!! two words.........BAD PARENTING!!!!

  18. It is not only wrong to smoke pot in front of the children it is wriong to be looking after them while under the infuence of untoxicating substances.  If you must smoke the stuff then do it while you are alone or in the company of like minded adults. While under the influence you are mentally unfit to be in charge of children, you are subjecting them to your smoke and you are giving them the message that taking drugs is a normal and acceptable way of life. A responsible parent would want more for their children.

  19. What do you think? It's illegal, It puts people in jail, it slows your motor skills, kills your motivation, and it makes you high.

    Yes it's wrong! You take care of yourself, too!

  20. I would definitely say that it is wrong.  Children should not be exposed to activities like this because they can not fully understand and can not make the distinctions that adults make.

  21. Yes it is very wrong. First of all it is unhealthy-second of all they will start to understand very soon and tell people what you are doing. It is horrible that anyone would smoke anything in front of kids of any age!

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