
Is it wrong to stay in the same house with your ex and his wife?

by Guest57400  |  earlier

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Our 21 year old son was killed in an car accident and I couldn't give him any more children,so I talked him in to a divorce and he marriage to a very sweet woman and he talked me into stay and to still be his wife in God's eyes,I want to stay because we really do Love one another and as for his wife,we love each other as sister and they just had a beautiful baby, Should I stay and be a part of this beautiful Family they welcome me in or Love them enough and leave so there be no grief form the neighbors and others? and I worry about the feelings and the out come of the children they maybe blessed with.Help me do what is right for all and not just myself,




  1. Check out some of the marriage restoration websites.

  2. I'm sorry, I think that's a little strange......but to each his own. It's your  life, you have to live it, no one else does

  3. If it aint broke why fix it?

  4. Girl you sound like you are pretty much religious. Why don't you go and talk to your Priest or Pastor and tell him your troubles. I think that is in your best interest for you, to make that right decision for yourself.

  5. I cannot believe he agreed to divorce you for getting another baby when you could simply have adopted. And I seriously doubt this new wife thinks of you as a sister. If this story is for real, get out of that house! Ewwwwwwww!

  6. No, as long as she dont find out. XP

  7. To me i cant handle that and i wonder why u should have not given another baby if you really loved him if medication but u could have adopted one anyway he di not love you enough by bringing another woman in the house please for the sake of your hhappinessand future just get your own place hope ur not too old  u will get another man who can love you

  8. This is a really strange arrangement but its your life so do what you want.

    Your the only one that knows what is right for you.

    Nobody can make that decision for you.

  9. Wow..this is a tough one.  I feel you will receive no more out of life than what you have today unless you move on.  You will probably always be concerned about what others think of your arrangement and what the children will think when they grow up.  To share your love with another woman may possibly become more painful as years pass.  Your ex's wife may eventually desire a marriage home without you in it.  It would be devastating to look back and see that your life has passed and in your latter years you are basically alone.  I'm not the kind of person who worries about what others think, so I suppose that issue for me is moot, but I am concerned about what your life will be in years to come.  I'm sure your ex still loves you, or you would not have the arrangement you have, however he also has others to love.  Why do you not deserve to have someone of your own?  I feel we all do.  As I said at first, this is a tough one.  I suppose in the end you will have to decide in your heart what is right for all concerned..and this includes you.  

  10. sounds REALLY weird!!

    You can't be divorced, and still be his "wife " in Gods eyes if he is re-marrried!!! DUH.

    none of this makes sense.!!!

  11. how can you love someone if they leave you just because you  cant have another child then s***w someone else get them knocked up and expect everything to be hunky dorey

    uuum man can only be  married to one women,

    also maybe you could find another husband and invite him in?

  12. What does YOUR common sense tell YOU?

  13. Sounds like your husband has the best of both worlds! You being his best friend & his wife being his mate! I say go with the flow!

  14. if all is well with you all then stay, but you should find out how the new wife really feels about you staying there.

  15. Wow, this sounds too good to be true.  i can't even touch on that.  

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