
Is it wrong to take a child to see their parent in jail?

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Is it wrong to take a child to see their parent in jail?




  1. its not really a memory you would want to give your kid. if your trying to make the parent feel better...... dont! maybe they will realize..if i break the law..... i will go to jail...then i wont see my kid....then they will think im a dead beat...maybe i shouldnt break the law. duh

  2. No not at all my dad got arested for cocaine for distribution and After school they let me in by myself.

  3. No.  I take my son (who's 6 months) to see his uncle who's in prison.  He usually enjoys the visit and my brother never leaves without a huge smile on his face.  I think it's good for the person in jail to be able to have some bond with their child and good for the child too.  

    Many, many parents take their kids to visit their fathers or mothers in jail/prison.  It's not a bad thing, although some people would say that it's damaging to the kids.  I don't see it that way, otherwise I wouldn't take my son.

  4. I would say yes.  Its not a place for children to be.  My brother was in jail for 7 years and my mother would take his daughter to see him.  I never agreed with this at all.

  5. Not so much wrong as I believe it could be traumatic.  But you can't always shelter your children from reality and seeing a parent go to jail can be as real as it gets.

  6. Honeslty its a bad enviroment but the child needs to see thier parent my sons father is in a jail 7 hours away hes going to stay thier for 4 years and our son is only 1 year and 2 months and im taking hime to see him this weekend boy what a trip i have ahead of me but put urself in thier postion im sure you would need to see ur child badley so take him allow the child to understand the situation and itll get better life isnt perfect lets just make the best out of it hope this helps

  7. Its all really up to you. It really depends on the crime and what you tell them. If it could be tramatizing to the child then you shouldnt. But if its a simple crime then I see nothing wrong with it, it gives the parent a reason to keep trying.

  8. It just depends on the child, how old they are and how you want them to see their daddy. I personaly would not. I would not want my children to see him like that. But I dont see anything wrong with someone else doing it. I wouldnt judge them. Its all in how the parents feel about it.

  9. This is one of those things that depends on the situation.  If it is very upsetting for the child, then the child should not go.   If the parent has problems so that it might not be a healthy interaction, the child should not go.   If the child is miserable from missing their parent, and even that brief visit helps them to feel that they have not totally lost their parent, then the child should go.  If the child is young, and the long trip is hard and tiring for the child, then the child may need to visit less frequently.  The bottom line is that the decision should be made based on what is best for the child.

  10. thats their parent and they have a right to see them.  Depending on the age i would try to explain where you were going so they are not asking alot of questions while you are there

  11. no, not at all. The child need's contact with their parent and also needs to see for herself/himself where their parent is exactly otherwise their imagination will run riot.

  12. i think it all depends on the age of ur child......but in another way....this parent is in there because he/she did something wrong and they chose that.....and for that he/she should have to pay the consiquences of not being able to see their child.....maybe it would make them learn a lesson......but its all up to u.....and i wouldnt let anyone else judge u for doing it....

  13. no, is wrong 4 them not to see their parent at all, when i took my lil cousin to see her dad at jail i told her that her dad was at work that we were going to visit him for his break and it worked out fine!

  14. To me yes it is. I wouldn't want my kids having memories of being at a jail. I don't see where that's healthy at all. Letters would suit just fine.

  15. only if you leave them there.

  16. Well I guess it would depend on why they are there and how long.

    If it is something illegal they knowingly did,  then they chose to take the chance of not seeing their child.

    If it was for defending yourself in a fight that got out of hand then maybe I would.

    My husband would never do anything that would put him at a chance of going to jail, a responsible parent thinks of that before they behave that way.

    I really cant say for sure until I am in that position. I do NOT think it is a place for a child, and honestly if it was for stealing or drugs or something along that line, they do not deserve to see their child in my opinion.

  17. Of course it's not wrong...we all do bad things from time to time. children should be taught that everyone makes mistakes..even mommy and daddy...maybe it will help influence them to "stay straight" or they may end up in the same place..

  18. I think a child needs to see there parents but on the other hand I used to take my kids to see thier dad in jail My son was 2 at the time and my daughter was almost 4 and we haven't been there in a couple of years, well the other day I had to go to the courthoue for something and when I pulled up both my kids starting yelling, "YEA! WE'RE AT DADDYS HOUSE!"

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