
Is it wrong to take condiments from restaurants?

by  |  earlier

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Little packets of Grey Poupon?




  1. ALthough you get them for free, the restaurants pay for them, so everything more than that is wrong.

  2. i dont think so

  3. It is there for your meal. Anymore than that should be taken only with the waiter's permission. Ask and they will probably say ok.

  4. Ha who cares. I take packet of the mild taco sauce all the time from Taco Bell.

    You won't go to jail because of it. :D

  5. Taking more than is needed for your meal is stealing.

  6. Providing you buy a meal there, you should be entitled to take a small amount as you would use for your meal. Not big handfuls so you can fill your ketchup bottle or sugar bowl at home. If you don't use what you take and leave it on the table it most likely will be thrown out, so you can take it home, within reason.

  7. I don't think so


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