
Is it wrong to talk about your boss with other employees?

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if your boss is a real tool and does all the things she/he can to make the work day as miserable as possible, but you don't want to leave because you are looking for a career in this field, is it o.k. to talk about her/him with others at work that agree?




  1. if you must do it, be careful about what exactly you say. otherwise, don't.

  2. No, you should not talk bad about your boss, as the walls of most offices have ears.  What you say will mostlikly get back to the one who sign your pay check..  

  3. It's a bad idea since what you say can get back to him and you could get canned.  By talking about him, you are putting your future in the hands of the other employees - not a great idea.

  4. Terrible idea, there's always a rat and you'll be found out.


  6. No - you never know whether that person will use that against you, or who might over hear the conversation.

    It's best to keep it to yourself and do the best you can.

  7. No. If you want a career in the field, you need to set yourself apart from the crowd and rise above the usual gossip and bitching. While you are sitting around bitching about your boss, you could be doing something to make your department better.

    Even if you only do it on breaks, the boss might hear you, or the boss's posse might hear you. Not cool. You can be friends with your colleagues and that is even a good thing but you should be better and refuse to engage in their bitching and moaning and make sure your work is always done.

    Be an asset to the company -- even if your boss really is a tool and would never notice, someone else in the company may and that person would have the power to transfer you to their department or give you an in at another company if you earn their respect.

  8. You shouldn't talk to others about your boss. It is tacky. If you have a problem with him or her you should take it up with that person. In the long run the only person you will make look bad is yourself.

  9. Not only is it wrong,but it's not real smart

    Bear in mind that people who will talk behind other's backs (this includes you) will be doing it to you when you're not around

    And whoe's to say that any of you isn't somehow getting it back to the boss?

  10. Everybody talks about their boss behind their back, and good bosses know that it happens and don't care.  However, it sounds like you don't have a good boss.  I would talk about your boss with your friends instead, or if you can't resist make sure you talk about them to people at work you trust.  Don't talk about your boss with people who are friends with your boss, people who will use it to get ahead at the company, or people who want to try to make you look bad so that they look better.  Just observe  your coworkers behavior to see if they fall in one of these categories.

  11. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty typical.  It's perfectly fine to vent about it, especially with other people who can relate.

  12. I don't really see why not, if nobody talks about their problems then they can't be solved.  Everyone else may be thinking the same thing as you, they may have a problem with your boss but won't say anything for the same reasons as you.  Do you have anyone else that you can talk about it to?  Maybe even your bosses boss..

  13. No just as long as they don't find out  ;)

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