
Is it wrong to tell children they are misbehaving?

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Last night the neighbor kids were climbing on my car and banging on the windows. I went out several times and told them to stop as they might dent my car or break the windows. A friend of mine was visiting and she happens to be their father's girlfriend, and she went out and told them they shouldn't bother me, because I like to be alone. I told her I wouldn't mind them coming over if they would knock have a conversation or play games for a while and then leave, but they are constantly banging on the windows. She said that she only said that because she couldn't think how to get them to stop without telling them they were being brats.

I eventually went over to talk with their mother, but she apparently didn't hear me knocking, as she didn't come to the door, and of course the kids wouldn't go get her for me. But at least the threat of me talking to their mother got them to stop banging on my windows.




  1. there is something wrong with saying "u r being a brat or any other name "

    there is nothing wrong with saying "u r misbehaving, or behaving badly"   how are they soppose to learn that something is being bad if u don't tell them.

  2. If they are on your property you have every right to tell them to stop.  I would definately talk to Mom.

  3. I think you should still go talk to their mother..behavior like that is not acceptable..and doesnt the mother watch her children when they go play?? if i seen my child banging on someone else's windows i would be bustin some bootys and giving some time outs!!!

  4. I think you should have a talk with their mom. It is ok to tell the kids to get off  your property. You can even tell them that they are acting in a disruptive manner and that you have the right to call the police if you want to.

  5. These kids sound bored and need something to do.  You should never degrade a child and attack their character by telling them they are brats.  Instead tell them their behavior is not appropriate and state that when they act like that it makes you feel angry,  tell them how it makes you feel.  Now that you took the initiative to go to their door they will think twice about doing it again?  Next time you see the Mom outside - have a little chat with her about how their conduct makes you feel without attacking her kids personally or else she will shut you out and become defensive.

  6. No its not wrong to tell a child they are misbehaving. There is a difference between saying, "Could you please stop banging on my car." and "Hey you little beepin' beeps, get the beep off my beepin car!" lmao You should still have a talk with the mother whenever you can catch up with her.

  7. You have every right to ask anyone, adult or child, to stop touching your things, being annoying to you or coming into your home & yard.

  8. Next time it happens and the mother ignors you - call the police, I bet she will answer for them. Tell the police you attempted to talk with the Mum but it appears she isn't there so you didn't know what else to do.

    You could also talk with the Father and see if he can get through to them.

  9. No you weren't wrong... your better then me I would have turned the hose on them.. LOL..

  10. The father's girlfriend probably doesn't know exactly where she stands with the kids, she doesn't feel comfortable enough to discipline them like their parents do. But you should definitely talk to their mother about it, as long as you go about it in a nice manner their shouldn't be any problems and it is more likely to work.

  11. I would definately tell any of my neighbors kids to get off of my property if I didnt like anything they were doing on it. Especially if my kids werent out playing with them. They have no reason to be on your car banging it up. As far as their dad's girlfriend, she may not have meant to be offensive with what she said so let that go, but if she is going to be a mother figure in their life, she needs to figure out how to tell a child to listen without having to make someone else feel stupid. I would continue to try to talk to the mom any time they are over at your house unattended and not listening. If mom never answers the door, leave a note for her that next time you will call the cops on the grouds  that it appears her children are left alone running the streets, and attempting to vandalize your car.

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