
Is it wrong to think you are unnatractive?

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I find myself unatractive, my friends find themselves unatractive as well. they complain about their bodies all the time

sometimes I complain about myself

But they all get defensive and "you shouldnt complain about yourself."

Its ridiculous! They do it all the time! Do they not apply to this rule or something?




  1. stop moaning and get some self respect- love yourself and think you are worth it because you are. sink into self pity and no one will help you- its irritating to help a person who thinks they are worthless because they are.remember the people who have "made it" act like they have and everyone believes them because they believe in themselves-its not that they are actually billionaires

  2. I think I'm ugly too.  I'm not the best looking person either in my eyes, but people say, "You're pretty."  It's hard to believe it.  But maybe they mean it, or maybe they think you're fishing for compliments.  Just don't say that around them anymore.  People who complain about themselves too much can get annoying.

  3. Not morally wrong.

    But you should do your very best to prove yourself wrong.

  4. h**l Poppet, if you're unattractive, I dread to think what that makes me.

    Go look in the mirror, see how pretty you are.

    That's something I can't do!  lol.

  5. no.because everyone is like that..

    and its bcause theyre good friends they wont let you think tht...

  6. Everyone has days that they feel unattractive. I've heard some of the most attractive men & women say it. But if you are downing yourself everyday than that's a problem. There is a lot of pressure to have the perfect body and to always look s**y. I think that people should strive to be comfortable in their own skin.  

  7. nope, not wrong.

  8. Very

  9. It's not OK to feel like your ugly!!! The only reason you feel that way, is because of the things that other people have told you, or have in some ways make you feel this way and by enduring it for soo long, you begin to believe it! So don't waist your time believing something thats just not true at all! because all a-long you could of been enjoying your life! Just remember their the ugly ones!!!!

    I hope this you out ! ! !

  10. well, you look good to me... its not "wrong" to think your unattractive... its "wrong" for the media to make the models appear to look better than they do.society has made us all insecure about the way we look. magazines have women posing in size 0 and thats not the real todays womans' size. the media would have you believe that thin is in.. but the truth is that they have to edit the photos to make those women... and men look as good as they do. right down to their acne... and before they had the ability to edit photos to the point that they do.. the girls would starve themselves...  another thing to think about is that you are going to be you for the rest of your life... and as you get older... everything sags! trust me! when you have kids... it gets worse... but you are think beautiful.

  11. don't think of yourself as ugly, think of yourself as a beautiful monkey.

    lol ha ha   , you are very hot and so are your friends, you're gnna meet the right guys or girls and have the best time of your life cause its too short to waste time thinking of looks of one another.  now give me a hug and be on your way to slap your brother in the face , run and laugh about it. that's what life is about, have fun, pay bills , save money and retire and have more fun !

    whew,   too much mountain dew

  12. Most of the women I have met do have hang-ups about their looks.  It's nothing unusual.  Having confidence in your looks is a very hard thing for most ordinary (read: those that are not narcissistic) people to do.  If you are having a bad day, there is a little exercise that I like to do to make yourself feel better.  If you are sure of some privacy, get naked and stand in front of a (preferably full-length) mirror.  Then try to list all the things you like about yourself, instead of concentrating on the negative.  Start with the physical things, although by no means confine yourself to your looks.  You may find a lot more to be happy about.  

  13. they do it to dig for complements to make them feel better.

  14. I do too...but don't do it for attention and don't dwell on it ppl find it annoying  

  15. Once you get to college and realize you can get guys to bend over backwards for you just for the slightest chance of getting laid you will start feeling much better about yourself.

  16. sounds like you guys don't love yourselves enough. it doesn't matter what you look like or what you shape like you should love you for you. find all the good things about yourself and focus only on the good.  

  17. i am hideous to the point of no return

  18. You and your friends are projecting onto each other, that which you feel inside - life's mirror.

  19. I consider myself somewhat unattractive in terms of appearance. However, I love my personality and have very high self esteem. I'm not Angelina Jolie, so I don't lie to myself when it comes to the mirror.

  20. Why do you feel your unattractive? The most a person can do is eat healthy and keep active.

         Truth of the matter is often we find ourselves being our own worst enemy.

         Next time you take a shower or bath or change look at yourself in the mirror.

        Find 5 things you like about yourself. And 3 things you don't.

         But we all hit low point's from time to time, maybe your problem is your hanging out with negative people?


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