
Is it wrong to think your cousin is cute? rofl?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well i think he is my 2nd cousin because he is my cousin's cousin. I dont think I'm related to him, but then again i dont get the cousins thing much lol. Well I havent seen them in a while, and when he added me on facebook i saw some of his pictures and just thought he was cute. is that wrong? lol it was probably the hair cut he got too, its like an anime cut rofl.




  1. hahah i think its fine

    i think one of my guy cousins is hot

    just don't start to like him :]

  2. It is okay to think a family member is cute. There is a difference between thinking someone is cute and having a crush on the person.

    You do not have to have a crush on someone to think they are attractive or cute.

    My brother is cute and he's 3 years younger than me. But I do not have a crush on him!

  3. second cousins are ok anywhere.. first cousins in about half the states    

  4. It is not wrong to you just like are not allowed to date or get married. I have a cousin that I think is cute, nothing wrong with that! Hope this helped!


  5. It's not wrong at all. I have a cousin who is 2 years older than me and I think that he is very good looking and hot indeed. As long as you don't start liking them, then there is nothing wrong. You were just noticing his physical appearance.......You don't like like him as a person though, right??

  6. its not wrong to think he's cute just as long as you dont want to date him or anything ;)

  7. It's fine to think he's cute. It's awful and illegal to act on it.

  8. LOL. let mee seee :D

    JK. lol nah. i don't think you guys are realatedd  

  9. There is nothing wrong with think that he is cute. Just don't act on these feeling. He is related to you by blood. If you 2 got together it would be considered insects. That is illegal and sick!

  10. no it's not long as u don't date them or have s*x.

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