
Is it wrong to try and help someone that doesn't want to be helped?

by  |  earlier

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now for anybody who happened to read my last entry I'm in the process of trying to help my brother. but it seems as if he wants to be left alone and I'm confused as of what to do now ive gotten some very good advise but the real complications are horrible you see my brother was doing weed but now he is trying meth and just about any type of drug you can snort... my parents are gone they never been apart of our life and i don't know were to turn I'm only 15 and i feel as if I'm trying to carry the weight of the world please can somebody help me!!!!!!!




  1. Sadly, you cannot help him if he doesn't want help. If he is a minor your guardian can put him in rehab. Meth is really addictive. If you have anything of value hide it because he will steal it from you. This isn't your problem to carry. Please take the other suggestion and go to Al-anon. Look up Alcoholics Anonymous in the phone book, they will tell you where the meetings are. I am so sorry you are having to face this.  

  2. Your brother is in need of a counselor.  You must understand unless he wants  help, their is nothing that you or any one else can do.

  3. Try to get him to talk to someone professional about the risks he's taking bec I'm sure he won't listen to you...for your part just try to be there for him when he needs you, listen to him, when he wants to talk, let him know you're worried without sounding like "a mum"...know what I mean? Maybe tell him since your parents are gone(died?) you're left with him and need him by your side but only see that he gets into trouble and you're lost...maybe he wakes up then? Tell him you two need to stick together now that you're alone and he shouldn't get so carried away on drugs bec you don't want to lose the last bit of family you have....I wish you courage and strength!!! Kathi

  4. people require to bottom out before they will comply with a helper.ring   your local alannon

  5. I don't really know how to make this better for you, but you need to look after yourself and you need some support. You aren't going to be able to make any difference to him unless you are well... and it sounds like you have to much to deal with! Try some children's helplines (if you are in England try Childline, i had to use them when i was your age and they were great and confidential.... they won't tell anyone just listen and give advice).

    Good luck sweetheart, remember you have to be the most important person in your life to be able to make a diflifece in the lifes of others x*x

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