
Is it wrong too..?

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Call your step mum or dad .. mum and dad..

I have two sets of mum and dads..

My mum and dad in Perth and mum and dad in Sdney .. My mum and dad have been with the partner for almost 10 and 11 years now.. So they are just like my mum and dad..

Do you think its wrong for your children to call your ex's new husband/wife mum or dad?




  1. From the point-of-view of the biological mom, I, personally, wouldn't like it if my kids called their stepmom 'mom.' Of course, I'm married to the father of my kids, so I'm not in that situation, but, if I were, I would make it clear I don't like that... Once they're teens, perhaps, if they really wanted to, I guess I couldn't really stop it, though... I know some families who *insist* that the kids call the stepparents 'mom' or 'dad.' I strongly disagree with that... Also, it depends on if the bio parent is in the picture... If stepmom or stepdad has raised the child from a baby or toddler, then they are likely 'mom' or 'dad' to them, and that's fine. :)

  2. I don't think that's wrong at all. One of my friends got married last year and after her father daughter dance at the reception she had a dance with her step father as well. It was very sweet.

  3. i have 9 siblings ! and i call my moms bf his name (stanley) and my dads gf, her name lisa...i dont feel that i have more than one mom or dad? but its ok if you feel comfy doing that than go for it! i never really see my dad either i miss mine also!!! i dont think its wrong i just dont like to do it ♥♥♥

  4. There is nothing wrong with it. My daughters called my wife Mom and their Mother mother.

  5. No I don't think its wrong. You are lucky to have that many people in your life who you love and love you back. If you are comfortable calling them mum and dad then do it.

    At first your biological parents my have a hard time with it but they should be grateful that another person unrelated to you cares for you so well that you would compair them to your real parent.
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