
Is jamaica a poor country?

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  1. Jamaica is a developing country which means it is better than a third world country but poor in comparison to a country like America

  2. yes it is a very poor place because

    there have been aalot of national disaters like hurricanes flood and alot more things

    and the repair cost alot of money   but theres some beatiful beaches

    i auggest u go there to visit with kids it is beatiful and ull learn alot

  3. It is not a poor country maybe were u went jeex

  4. So i've lived in Jamaica for approximately 25 years and i consider myself pretty well informed about my country. The problem is that you can live here and not be confronted with extreme poverty (until you get robbed).

  5. "Poor" is relative and for that reason your question cannot be answered with a simple "Yes" or "No".

    As in all countries (first, second and third world) there is economic poverty in Jamaica.  In my opinion this is due in large part to the misappropriation of funds by those in government over decades.  

    Despite this there a many, many Jamaicans living much better, more comfortable lives than many first world inhabitants.  They earn more money, live in bigger homes and driver more expensive cars.  

    BOTTOM LINE: As in any country the wealth of the country cannot simply be defined with one word rather it mirrors the whole spectrum from "rotten rich" to "dirt poor."

    To those who have only visited Jamaica, it's OK to state your observations, but PLEASE do not propose to speak with any authority about the economic condition of a country in which you have not lived and, if you stayed only in and around your all-inclusive hotels, truly experienced.

    CareW:  I don't get what you are saying about experience extreme poverty when you are robbed???? For someone who has lived here for 25 years and knows about Jamaica I would have expected a more insightful comment than this....

  6. What do u mean if Jamaica is a poor country?  Is the USA or wherever u r from a poor country?  Well if u really want to know and r not just being an @ss the jamaica is a normal country with upper, middle and lower class folks (just like EVERYWHERE else) For the people who said Jamaica is slums and poverty stricken and beggars and all that c**p u DO NOT KNOW WHAT U R TALKING ABOUT. I am not rich but i am sure i live better than most of u in ur 'so called' first world countries.  And maybe the 'poorer' class of jamaican seem so poor to u because they are not living off welfare like the poor people in u country.

  7. Krazy S

    In sorry your so ill abused, it seems u offended some people but i think we are all victims of media... jamaica is portrayed as very bad by the media so it is hard to expect u to be anything but mis informed and frankly... i think the most sensible thing to do is what u have done.. which is to ask.

    So you got a lot of good answers here... and i agree with most... we are developing we have excellent infastructure in most places... telecommunications, water and electric systems... etc.  and we are quickly strengthening dispite knocks for natural disaster etc.

    We do suffer economic strife and if you were to look at the social pyramid it would have a very broad base for the poor and a the tip very narrow for the rich.  but be it know that the variant between the two is vast...

    the rich take helecopters to work and wear italian suits.... and the poor have nothing to speak or but need.  But the country is full of resources... so u find that the very poor are resilliant... and though the houses look tattered and the clothes arnt lavished... it is practical... easy to build and maintain... cool to wear on hot days... its more simplicity than raw sufferation.  which is why many feel and see a beauty in it.... but lets face it poverty is poverty and its not pretty... that is everywhere in the world... why i went to amsterdam and my goodness rats everywhere!!... in parts of the UK people still use outside lavs and are terribly maintained.  So poverty is a world issue

    That said... i thnk jamaicans are miracle workers to survive and live as well as we do... we do afford the best, travel, live in nice houses... have the latest comforts and technology... but with what... majority of the middle income jobs are less than minimum wage in the USA. teachers and police get terrible pay packages.  but they struggle and work hard to live well.

    So in a sence jamaicans will always be rich.. they will never starve as long as there is soil because food grows everywhere... never die of thirsts or cold.  we are all too proud to go naked unless we want to as carefree adults or children.  We are secure as anywhere else in a time where terrorism is the priority of the first world and shelter is attainable in modest and lavished forms.  

    There is room for imporvement but as i said we are developing.

    go to

    go to

    look at the newspapers jamaiaca observer and the gleaner(carefull they like to report on crime and violence and not positive news.. other countries try to create more of a balance)

    google things like half way tree... cherry gardens, norbrook, tivoli gardens, mandeville, portland  

    go to sangsters realty to see housing

  8. Is there poverty in Jamaica? Yes.

    The word 'poor' would need to be clarified. That's too broad and subjective. Some would say the U.S.A. is a poor country when it comes to certain moral standards. Others may disagree.

    - There are many people here in jamaica who probably earn salaries greater than yours (if you are in the US).

    - There also many who earn below the minimum wage in the U.S.A., but since they don't LIVE in the U.S.A. they live decent lives, middle income lives.

    - Even still, there are people here who are earning lower than the JAMAICAN minimum wage (which is about 1/4 of the U.S. minimum).

    Most of Jamaica has electricity, exceptionally clean running water (better than many first world countries actually).

    If you listed all the countries in the world, jamaica woul not be in the top twenty in terms of economic strength, but we wouldnt be in the lowest twenty either.  

    Everything here is relative and must be placed in a context to be of any real value to you.

  9. I hate when ignorant people answer question and defame my country............America is a first world country and people are hungry and homeless........There are bad ares in almost all countries....... To answer the question.  Outside of tourist areas there is wonderful life.  People have great jobs, education, drive nice cars, live in beautiful homes etc.   There are also innercity areas where some people dont have as much............but i think the middle to high income earners far far far outnumber the not-so-well off.................

  10. If you are an American why is the state of Tennesesse and Alabama poor. Oh My god I thought those states should be in the Great ole USA.

  11. I haven;t been there but my brother was and said outside the tourist places it is very poor and actually was told to stay away from going into those sections...There was lots of looting and drugs and it wasn;'t safe...So I guess every country has their trouble ,I just don't know how much of it they have compared to the good parts...I guess poor and underpaid do what they can to survive even if sometimes its not good. I feel badly they have to live that way.

  12. Almost  every country that is excluding the oil rich countries,  have The Rich, Middle class, and the poor.

    Jamaica is no different.

  13. h**l to the freak no

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