
Is japanese hard or easy to learn??

by Guest59961  |  earlier

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I really would like to know how to speak japanese..but i m not sure how hard of easy it will be if the only languages i know are french and english....i already know quite a few words, but not the grammer and stuff like that. SO any japanese speaking people, or other people trying to it hard??




  1. Well, it really depends on the individual, but I found it pretty easy to learn, not because I'm particularly good at learning, but because I had lots of fun learning it. Anything a person learns becomes easy if he or she has fun learning.

    The important thing to remember when learning anything is to have as much fun as you can doing it. It'll make the process a lot easier.

  2. i've been in japan for 22 years and still have not mastered the language.

    if you're looking to speak and not write, you can learn the basics in a few years, as long as you have the right attitude...(not everybody likes being corrected all the time)  you have to be dedicated and "practice makes perfect" so you need to go out and talk to as many native speakers to get it right.


    as for reading and writing, its still very difficult (for me )

    unlike the english alphabet that has 26 letters japanese has infinite kanji characters and have different meanings behind it

    using translation software can work but not all translations are clear cut so its not all accurate.  just use the software as a dictionary not for actual translations because you can be wasting your time learning the wrong japanese

    dont believe anybody that says they mastered the whole language

    unless they've actually been raised and schooled in japan

    hope this helps


  3. its the hardest ever!

    the cadence of Japanese is subtle, sometimes it seems like you can say the same thing in a thousand different ways and no two sound alike!


    I had a lot easier time with Russian and German.

  4. Well, there are two alphabets that you have to learn for a start, to go along with all the new grammar, and vocab.

    It won't be easy, but you should be able to do it with some work.

  5. It's sort of hard, but once things start clicking in your head it's pretty easy.

    For about 4 years now I've been trying to learn by myself.  It's not until this year where it started to click.  So in the past 3 - 3 1/2 years what I did was learn the Hiragana and Katakana, and watch tons of anime.  The anime helped with hearing how fluent Japanese sounds, and I was able to plug in the vocabulary I was learning.

    Now I'm learning grammar, sentence structure, some more vocabulary, and Kanji.  I'm in 8th grade now, but next year they offer Japanese so I'll be taking lessons.  So pretty much for the past few years I've been prepping myself for high school!

    Honestly though, if you have a great enough desire to learn it and you work hard at it, in a few years it'll be easy as pie.  ^_^

  6. it is somewat hard but if u watch more anime u might get use to it. u should watch anything that is in japanese and with eng subs... just learn how to speak 1 thru 20:

    echi,ne,san,she,go,rluku, shechi, hachi,gou,ju,ju echi,ju ne, ju san, ju she, ju rluku, ju shechi, ju hachi, ju gou, ne ju. u can learn more if u want from me like one thru 100 and more. my email is

    ur welcome to email me!! this isnt only for her but for everyone. so if u want to learn more from me then email me... good luck!

  7. Here is a site with a general overview of the language and some aids to learning it, maybe with a quick scan of that info, you'll get an idea of how difficult/easy it could be for you to learn.*p...

    Alot might depend on how many/which languages you have already learned. It gets easier as you learn more languages, or if you learn a language in the same family group as one that you already speak.

    All the best!

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