
Is john McCain completely out of touch with reality?

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Does he really think that entering his wife in a topless biker-slцt beauty contest in Sturgis was the way to go about getting more votes?




  1. The one chosen President has the microphone and can call press conferences just like the leader of Russia, Iran or France. The equivalent body to the U.S. Congress votes to fund any and every action.

    Simple minds think differently. Dictators and Kings can only govern the way children and the ignorant adults seem to believe. It just doesn't work that way. But keep believing that you have a choice.  

  2. McCain is about 100 miles outside of reality!

    Obama has fallen off the face of the earth!

    Reality seems to escape all politicians. "Head up the butt syndrome" is a requirement for a politician!

  3. No and Yes.

  4. ever heared of a thing called "a joke"?

  5. A joke

  6. It's the guy I want as my President since the alternative would be an socialist radical extremist elitist.

  7. The Modern Pop Culture approves the action, because she could win! WINNING IS EVERTTHING!

  8. I think that he was joking but I think that it shows you that he is willing to say and do anything to get elected. McCain obviously had no clue that the contest was a topless contest and it made him seem dumb in my opinion. Why would you enter your wife in the competition if you didn't know what it was about. Typical BS from politicians who are trying to get votes.  

  9. He was joking, does Obama think supporting black seperatism will help unite the country?

  10. YES - and he's old!

  11. mccain is the worst! everyone who agrees with me should go vote him down on this page.. you'll get a free gift card if you do!

  12. No.  Just partially.

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