
Is john mccain desperate or inspired to have a female running mate in the american elections?

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Is john mccain desperate or inspired to have a female running mate in the american elections?




  1. I am going with "inspired".  Outsider, young, female, more EXECUTIVE experience than anyone on either ticket, hugely popular at home - and a great speaker (she has been a sportscaster)

  2. Inspired. And the great thing is , unlike democrats Republicans actually LIKE their candiadates.

  3. Inspired and chose the best woman!

    Now for tv ads showing Palin moose hunting, with her five kids, and in her governor's office, and some of Cindy McCain attending Nascar races.

  4. i think the reason he did this is because he is so desperate to win that he made is runningmate a woman which was a real stupid idea becaujse the only experiance that she has is being the governer of Juno, Alaska. Yah i hope that Obama wins but that is just me. oh yah and she dissaproves g*y rights and goes hunting.

  5. It's more desperation than inspiration, and a moronic move on McCain's part. He picks a politition that has very little experience on any of the major issues that affect this country. Obama, on the other hand, made a smart choice when he picked Joe Biden as his running mate, although they have had their differences, Biden's knowledge on foreign policy gives Obama the experience that he was lacking.  

  6. I cannot imagine a more insulting condescending message to send to Hillary supporters, and to WOMEN, in general.

    It is flat-out callling women stupid, simplistic, one-issue voters who just want to vote for a woman ... *ANY* woman ... regardless of name recognition, qualifications of political views.

    It is not just desperate ... it is an incredibly baffling, stupid move.

    I think women will be suitably outraged by the insult, and McCain's numbers among women will plummet even more.

  7. Who?He's got who?Never heard of her.Inspiration?Lols,not the most inspired of choices really,let's be honest now.

  8. A month ago I got people mad here on YA by suggesting that Obama had no real choice but to choose Hillary for the votes. But in his inexperience he didn't! I also suggested that McCain had no real choice but to pick a female VP for the same reason, after what Hillary has stirred up. I even suggested Sarah! Well, I feel very good right now. Regards, Larry.

  9. As a candidate, desperate.  As a man known to have cheated on both of his wives, inspired! Then again, you'd have to be 72 years old to think she's hot.

  10. OK. Inspired.

  11. I think he made a more calculated practical political judgment.  Obama has alienated certain women voters - particularly elderly, blue-collar and independents - and McCain decided he needed a woman on the ticket to help him win.  Makes sense to me.

  12. He picked her b/c shes a maverick like him and to show he is for change This its the first time the rep have made a woman a vp on their ticket

  13. Inspired, the loony left is basically flipping out. They know they have nothing on her, she has more experience than Obama. Great choice.

    "As a candidate, desperate. As a man known to have cheated on both of his wives, inspired! Then again, you'd have to be 72 years old to think she's hot."

    Way to come out of the closet, Michael P.

  14. Well she certainly ticks all the McCain boxes. She's pro-life, against g*y marriage, she likes to shoot guns, she wants polar bears taken off the endangered species list, she doesn't believe in global warming, and her husband used to work for an oil company. Yup she's almost like McCain in female form. Good choice! He's probably found the only person in this world who will always agree with him. lol

    Is John McCain feeling desperate? Oh YES! :-)

  15. Inspired and bringing out the Democratic desperation.

  16. McCain through up a hail mary...big hail mary...huge desperation move...and guess worked...because he played the usual republican game...bash the opposition...then steal their idea and make it look like we came up with the idea because 70% of republicans are so incompetent that theyll believe it and the other 30% wont care because heck theyre gonna win. John bashed Obama for inexperience, then picks Palin, a governor of 16 months and former mayor of a town of 9000 and a woman who is currently being investigated for an ethics violation and suing the Dept of the Interior saying because she is a woman is the reason behind them not letting her drill in animal reservations...oh yeah thats the reason. shes against environmental conservation, she has stated in past interviews that she doesnt pay attention to iraq and doesnt know what a vice president does and only has a minor in political science and a major in law bachelors in political science...mccain thinks because the woman eats moose burgers it qualifies her to be a VP...well guess what...Republicans you keep sitting on that steaming pile while you can...because one day its all gonna be taken...even people in your own party are gonna get sick of seeing the same old politics with the same old games and democrats will make a fashionable comeback, bring the prospierty and balance this country needs

  17. Talk about change. Those White House curtains are gonna go. The Oval office desk looks much better over there and lose that rug! Of course I need a bigger desk, John, I have 1 husband's and  5 childrens photos to display.

  18. Desperate! McCain has shown, by calling his wife a derogatory name (think "punk" with a "c" instead of a "p") publically when she joked about his thinning hair and how he did not rebuke a campaign worker for asking-on camera- "How do we beat the (female dog term)" and instead laughed that women are not people he respects. He underestimates women's intelligence trying to pass off this Pro-choice, anti-gun control, and under investigation for "abuse of power" substitute to try to lure disillusioned Hillary supporters. It will not change his 90% record of agreements with Bush in the past be "changed" in the future.

  19. Race, gender, age, are all liberal hangups. McCain choose the most qualified, the only one of the four (McCain, Obama, Biden) with executive, administrative, fiscal, budget working with a legislation, commanding a military unit, experience.

  20. desperate, absolutely desperate.

  21. Not desperate, maybe inspired, definitely smart.

  22. inspired.

    i'm so excited about palin! she's a total beast!

    that was a really smart move on mccain's part.

    the conservatives are stoked now.

  23. Pure politics!It is to counter act the black vote which Obama will attract and appeal to the female voter!The first black candidate as opposed to the first female candidate!Politics moves in mysterious ways!

  24. inspired.  she is conservative and shows that he is for progressive change without alienating the party.  it was a good choice and a smart choice.  I think that it makes me have confidence in McCain and his advisors when he pulls out a great move like picking Palin

  25. he found something good in her. She is a hardcore conservative who likes hunting and running marathons. She is pro life and pro family. I think she is a good pick. Though people will find something bad about her like they do everyone else.  

  26. No, Obama Abomination was when he picked Biden (change, how is he a "change")??

  27. both?

    so an ex-model could be a future President of the USA.....mmm

    i still prefer the Inquirer to the Election, it's more 'real'

    God help us all....

  28. I think it was a well thought out strategic move.  This has only ever been done once before and that was in the 1980 elections when Dan Quayle chose Geraldine Ferraro in going up against Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr.  

  29. your obama spouts change and doesnt do it, NOW your freaking out because someone actually had the courage to make some "change" in the way this election is going?

    seems your obama boy is all smoke and mirrors.

    seems mccain is the real man of change.

    thats what you are really mad about.

    and you know it!

  30. He is very desperate and thinks he fooling voters with vp choices.

  31. The answer for that lies in Palin's speech when McCain introduced her. She presented herself as "the woman" in this race, since Hillary had 18 million voters who were left "without a woman".

    This betrays what the ploy was all along. The Republican think machine thought that people vote on the basis of race or s*x. "I'll vote him/her because s/he's black, or a woman." It's an insult to people's intelligence, to bring someone in just because she was a woman - she (Palin) brought the comparison upon herself, listen to her speech - and a clear attempt to "woo women" on the basis of her being a woman as well.

    Clearly desperate.

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