
Is joining the US army reserves a good move?

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im wanting to be a surgeon, and i was going to enlist as a combat medic. Im thinking about joining before college and serve throughout college and med school.

also, will being in the Army reserves as a combat medic during college increase my chances of being excepted to med school?

will the army pay for my med school?




  1. Well the army will pay for a good deal of it 20k for college,20k for student loans, 0 to 20k cash depending on what package you take. They offer stabilization which will keep you out of war for 2-3 years depending on the package. I recently signed up for the reserves and i dont regret it. The biggest advice is dont sign up for the benifits or the college money do it deeply because you want to serve your country.  

  2. YES YES YES. The army will pay for med school. Sign up for e-army u. I had a friend that was a ranger. He trained with the british airborne infantry and the german sf dudes and spanish and french foreign legion. Its worth a try

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