
Is journalism good no matter how bad journalists are?

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Is journalism good no matter how bad journalists are?




  1. It is a  noble profession

  2. journalism is very good

  3. Journalism is not only good but is also necessary.  The main purpose of journalism is to gather information and disseminate it.  Just as mathematics is an integral part of one’s daily life, acquiring knowledge about one’s neighborhood, national and international current events, economics, weather, sports activities, culture, health and science etc is also necessary for one to keep updated in all such maters.  This is where journalism comes into the picture.  Journalism by itself is good but certain journalists may misuse it to their advantage, as pointed by an earlier answerer. Also, it cannot be denied that there is a certain section of the populace who want sensational and yellow journalism.  One can always choose the journals and the items one would like to read.  Journalism does not stop with newspapers only but also extends to great writings in the forms of books, essays, analyses etc.  Let us look forward to good journalism!

  4. every thing is good it is few black balls who give bad names  

  5. It is good that they get the information out, but journalists like the paparazzi are very bad, they invade celebrities privacy.

  6. No, it is not a good profession now-a-adays. Firstly, a journalist must be honest, just, non-emotional, non-jingoist non-sentimental & neutral irrespective of anything which is not possible in this era of making sensation to make quick money. Now in most of press conferences, open bribary, costly treats &  parties hijack the neutrality & responsibility , having no ethic at all. Journalists in large numbers gather wherever coctail , non-veg parties are there with handing over thick brief cases full of currency notes & ornaments along with a press brief booklet. Most of the reporters first enjoy these things & run away & report few lines of the said booklet. These things are done to get favourable report published. That's why journalists gather in large numbers in boring parties of big industrialists or ministers so that they earn so more & more. They're sent full briefcases to their houses & oral message what will be served a day before press conferences with invitation of few days stay in five star hotels, billed by the press conference hosts. Private & govt. agencies all do this. Press people shouldn't accept any such presents & treats. Most of reporters are very greedy & so, they gather in large numbers in such conferences & keep themselves away from real places of great news value. This practice is adopted maximum in India. That's why, international media openly says that anything coming out of Indian sources has no credibility. Indian media does all mythmaking by presenting concocted stories. Can anybody tell the truth what actually the purpose was behind state mananged the so called 3rd October, 2001 Mumbai-Delhi aeroplane hijacking drama ?  To mislead & take strong favour from USA ? When that failed , bigger state managed drama of Parliament attach was orchestrated in December in which ZEE TV  broken all records of propaganda & none of the actors could be caught alive.

  7. No, a big NO ! A journalist needs to be a good, honest and must have the best of ethics of profession PLUS a great mind of sensitiveness to the sensibilities of the public to not to sensationalise the news and reports he presents to create a turmoil, a civil commotion, a riot but to maintain the unity and harmony of the various community of people in the society and hence they have a great social obligation to be more responsible and accountable for his job. A bad journalism from a GOOD JOURNALIST may be a temporary phenomenon AND HE HAS A CHANCE TO CORRECT HIMSELF but a BAD JOURNALIST IS TERRIBLY BAD TO CREATE A CIVIL RIOT BY CONTINUOUS BAD REPORTS ON PRESENTATION, so he cannot guarantee and give a good journalism and he must be banned!

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