
Is jupiter & venus in taurus 8 house a weak placement & weak in strength for both planets?

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plz suggest remedies.




  1. Nothing is weak in the 8th house!!! They are actually very strong positive placements. What do they aspect? They both indicate monetary gain or loss, depending upon the aspects.

  2. According to traditional astrology, any planet placed in the 8th house of the horoscope, is in a malefic house, which weakens the planets.  However, since the 16th and 17th century, we have grown enormously as individuals, and since the advent of psychology in the 19th century this placement is viewed differently.   Simply stated, this positioning of Jupiter and Venus means that you are connected to a particular part of life which is bigger than you are as an individual.    The 8th house is a very unconscious based house, so often it takes the person who owns it a bit of time to understand it, and since your Venus is in this house, there would be a need to find relationships on a much deeper level than Cosmo magazine would say they should be.   You need a relationship with meaning, and often times relationships through the early part of life can be a bit turbulent as a result of it.

  3. No actually its natural

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