
Is just elementary school special ed in demand?

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I am starting college to get a degree in secondary education(7-12)

I would like to work with special ed high school students and teach them algerbra. Is there a demand for high school special ed teachers as well?




  1. Yes special ed is in high demand at all levels.  If you want to teach math specifically I would get a special ed and math degree.  Having dual certification will make you a better candidate and will also give you flexibility if you choose you do not like one of the areas.  It make take an extra year in college, but will be worth it if you don't have to go back later.

  2. I am a special ed algebra teacher.  There is always a demand for special ed teachers, escpecially MATH!!!  WOO HOO.  You can find a job easily.  Good Luck  

  3. Yes, high demand.

  4. Yes My son is in high school and the worst part is they have such a a shartage they mix the children with learning disabilities with children with behavior challenges . alos a plus would be to look into a plus with children with Autism/Aspergers now thats a shortage like ive never seen .i ask so many teachers how much  they know of aspergers and they look at me like i have 6 heads .

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