
Is kalki av tar takes birth ???

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Is kalki av tar takes birth ???




  1. no, i dont believe this is true

  2. Well i think your question is will God take the form of kalki avtaar and take birth?  The answer to this is best given in Srimad Bhagvat, and it is upto the reader how and how best he/she can interpret. If so many avtaars took birth then why not Kalki Avtaar?  If Krishna avtaar was there and we find the remains of the Old Dwarka under water then Krishna was there. People belonging to different religions want to believe only what their religion says and rest is considered humbug.  Hinduism is the only religion where God has taken form in different avtaars, rest had messengers or son of God.  India is the only place where so many forms and shakti's have taken form and birth, and so will kalki when time comes for it to take it.

  3. very nice question, kalki avatar is takes birth in every place in tha face of any individuals who are having care in their house, city, nation and world. who are all ask the wrong things in world they are all the kalki avatars. I think there will be a avatar in every places to put a fullstop to roudism and other unwanted things.

  4. Its all fake dont ever believe this.The man who is claiming was just a LIC agent before and now he is claiming he is kalaki.B___-sh-----These all r dhogi babas making money and playing with the emotions of the people who are blind followers.

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