
Is kickboxing ok for girls?

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my daughter who is 11 wants to start kickboxing. in where we live she will be fighting boys. she will also require to wear a sports bra and short shorts. should i let her start?




  1. typically american kickboxing is one of the more popular fighting styles for women

  2. yea totally why not?

    If she really wants to start kickboxing i don't see why you should stop her, its a sport for both male and female, and if you are worried about her getting Hurt, id advise you to go speak to the instructor, im sure he/she will explain to you how they practice and that when she starts competing in competitions that she wont go against a guy, but against a girl of her own age and ability

  3. of corse you should.but get a groin protector as well as a sports bra.and make sure she wears the cups to it. go  to century twenty one cataloge, they have a web site. just look at Kathy Long.she trains with men all the time.

  4. Of Course...iv been kickboxing since i was 10 so i have 6 years of experience...iv only lost one match and that was my first first when you see her out there you'll be scared to death but after awhile you'll see how wonderful she is at it... and on the plus side its good defence so you dont have to worry about her getting hurt by anyone...did i mention i mainly fought guys...just give her a chance trust me she'll be amazing....hope i helped

  5. Firstly, TIN FAN, that's a highly prejudiced answer. I'm a blackbelt in Taekwondo, and I'm of the same ability as the boys on my level. It's only a pity that talented women don't get to show what they really can do, because of the separate divisions. If you don't belive me go to

    That's the history of Master Sheena Sutherland, 8th degree. She competed in the 70's, when there were no separate women's divisions.

    To answer your question though, it would be good to get your daughter into kickboxing, as she'll be able to defend herself properly in the future and it'll keep her fitness level up. There's no reason why she shouldn't fight boys. In fact, it could probably be better that she does - if she ever has to defend herself, she can't choose whether her opponent is male or female. Learning a martial art will also give her something to do, rather than hanging out on the streets and teach her self-discipline. The sports bra and short shorts are a bit inappropriate, though, if she's only 11. Ask if she would be allowed to wear longer shorts and a t-shirt - most kickboxing schools allow that.

  6. i say let her do it its good for her health

  7. Why wouldn't it be OK for girls? Gawd so sexist. JK But yea its fine. There are girls in my class i actually got my butt kicked by one XD. Its perfectly fine.  She will be able to defend herself too. Think of the pros (not proffesional i mean pros and cons)

    Good Luck!

  8. It's great that she's the one who wants to do it so let her give it a try and be very supportive and encouraging...parents are usually afraid of letting their children train or compete in combat sports (I'm 23 and my mom still doesn't like it when I because it's're child is going to get's a scary thought...but it is all with discipline...which is another great reason to let her try teaches great self-discipline and confidence and let's not rule out the fact that she'll learn how to throw a hit and defend herself if ever necessary...if she's going to be fighting boys, it's no problem...any fighter should know that you are to take it easy on any new individual especially a her training progresses, the sparring becomes more intense but because she'll be going just as hard on the opponent kicking his a-s-s!  Also keep in mind she's 11 almost ready to enter the terrible teen years...this type of sport keeps a teen aways from that annoying know-it-all attitude as well as bad influences like drugs and alcohol because a fighter of any kind is just so mentally strong.  Go for it and by as supportive and encouraging as possible!  You'll be proud!

  9. I do not see anything wrong with it. I have said for a long time that every girl around your daughters age should be involved in some type of Martial Arts training.

    Not only will this help with keeping her fom drinking and drugs and help here resist peer pressure, as stated above(good post eddie), but thsi will also give her confidence in herself and do wonders for her self respect. Ever wonder why so many teen girls, and women really, winde up with guys that treat them like dirt? Mainly because the feel that's what they deserve and they cannot do better. Give her the confidence in herself to realize that she can do anything that she puts her mind too, and doesn't have to settle for less.

    The only thing I would question is the sports bra and short shorts. At 11 she may be too young to feel comftorable in this, or maybe you don't which is why you made sure to mention it. Ask the instructor if she would be allowed to wear long shorts and a t-shirt. From what I have seen most kickboxing schools use long shorts anyway, cause you don't want anything hanging out throwing those kicks. If they require short shorts, I would look at a different school, especially if the class is mixed.

  10. Sure why not? I never saw or read anything saying it was for men only?

    I know in the proffesional ring they do not match them against each other but their are pro woman kickboxers!

    Did you check the school out to make sure it is safe and legit? As long as you have done that and feel comfortable then yes I would let her if it is what she wants.

  11. h**l ya!

    hahahah idk :P

  12. Sure. Where does it say only boys can do it.  Kickboxing is a sport for everyone. Start your daughter out here and if she feels comfortable fighting with the boys, then lets her do it. If not, try to find another place.

  13. No.

    It is not O.K. for girls.

    Get your daughter into Aikido, or Hakko-Ryu Jiu-Jitsu or some kind of self-defense course.

  14. You should SO let your daughter start kickboxing.If she wants to do it then you should let her.It doesn't matter what clothes she has to wear.Have you seen Jillian Michaels on The Biggest Loser!She's a GREAT kick boxer.Parents always encourage there children to follow there dreams.This is her dream and you should let her achieve it.

  15. If she wants it I would let her do it but not against boys.  Not to be sexist but fighting a girl and fighting a guy are not the same and it would be unfair to both sides to assume that it is especially in a contact sport like MMA.

  16. I wouldn't look at it so much as teaching her a fighting skill as an enjoyable exercise that she will derive some value from.  Sports bra...I don't know I have a son.

    Kickboxing is a great exercise and in this country exercise should be encouraged.  Get her what she needs, support her endeavor and go along with it.  Encourage her to sweat, work and strive towards a goal.

    I teach Krav Maga, my son, an American wanted no part, he would rather surf and dive. He lives with my ex in San Diego, I am happy that he is healthy and exercising.

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