
Is killing oneself a sin? ?

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I used to think it is, but a lot of people here dont even believe there's a real God, so how can suicide be a sin. It should give me peace, something I've wanted all my life.




  1. Suicide is, in effect, self-murder. The unfortunate thing about it is that the one who commits it cannot repent of it. The damage is permanently done. We can see in the Bible that murderers have been redeemed (Moses, David, etc.), but they had opportunities to confess their sins and repent. With suicide, the person does not.  But that does not mean the person is lost.  Jesus bore all that person's sins, including suicide. If Jesus bore that person's sins on the cross 2000 years ago, and if suicide was not covered, then the Christian was never saved in the first place and the one sin of suicide is able to undo the entire work of the cross of Christ. This cannot be. Jesus either saves completely or he does not.  

  2. suiciding is a sin. god gave u only one lige and in it he tests u by poverty, death of loved one, struggle...............etc. but that does not mean that u have to suicide.

  3. Yes. God is ruler over life and death, and we do not have right to take our own life.

  4. If it is done with full knowledge of what you are doing and is done of your own free will without any outside pressure or influence, then it is a sin.

    Otherwise, it is not.

  5. Never mind the sin stuff -- if you kill yourself, how do you know you won't be missing something great that was just around the corner if only you had waited a little longer?  

  6. Consider we do not know what happens after death.

    There are several possible outcomes of suicide.

    Not all of them are good, but they are all permanent.

    Don't throw away your life when you don't even know what it is.

  7. I'm sorry you feel like this. I spent many years feeling despair as well. God does not want you to take your life. He wants you to bring the things that hurt you so bad in this life to Him. So he can heal you from within. As only He can. I learned that when I finally got to the end of my line and found no one to help. Have faith in Him and He will help you cope with your struggles to endure this life. Sufficient are the worries of today, let tomorrow worry about itself..If you need to talk more, feel free to drop an email...There are more doors open to you than just the exit...

  8. Depending on where you live it might be a crime.

    Homicide doesn't everyplace discriminate on who you are trying to kill.  

    There is a fallacy in your argument.  If there is no God how can it be a sin?  If there is no God, there is no sin, so singling this out as something to ask about being a sin makes the assumption that there are other things that might be sins.  Then you have to define sin and explain how the other things can be considered sins if there is no God.

    Unless you are making a relativist argument that it can be a sin for people who believe in God, but not for people who don't believe in God.  You are making the fallacy that perception is reality.  If this were true, believing in God makes God real, and that the reality is somehow like Shroedenger's cat and exists and doesn't exit at the same time as obviously God does not exist to people who don't believe in God.

    So your question makes the assumption that for some people this action is not objectively a sin, which means for others is is only subjectively a sin.  This means that the sin has no reality, so the answer is obviously "No!" because something cannot be objectively real for one person and objectively untrue for someone else.

    That doesn't mean that it is not a sin, it merely means that the structure of the question leads itself to answer that it is not.

    Besides, someone has to clean up after you.  Suicide, if nothing else, is very self-indulgent and doesn't take into consideration the effect on anyone else.  For most suicides, people traumatize others for a perception that they end their own suffering.  Hence my arguement that most suicides are self-indulgent traumatizing of other people.  It may not be a sin in the religious sense, but can be very unthoughtful for those who have to deal with it after you're beyond caring.

  9. first it is never a good solution.  Fought depression most of my life, but I am appreciative of the experiences and adventures I have had.. so glad I wasn't successfully in ending my life when i was young.

    Back to your questions; In christian based theology yes it is a sin..Catholic a Mortal sin (with a capital M)

  10. It is a sin.  Don't let other people affect your beliefs.

  11. God wants you love rejoice in the life He gave you.  Check out the link on what the Bible says about suicide.  

  12. In my opinion, it depends on the type of christian you are.  The more evangelical christians believe that it is a I am not a fundamental christian, I'd say killing oneself is a sin

  13. Different people have different belieefs.  If a person on here doesn't believe in God, then the idea of "sin" really doesn't have much meaning

    Most Judeo-Christian theology states that, as others have said, only God can make decisions regarding ending life, therefore, to take your own life is to attempt to thwart God's will, and therefore a sin

    Of course, that's their individual belief, not yours

    A better question for you to ask is, would suicide be the answer to your problems, and I would say no, it wouldn't be

    seek out peace here on Earth first

  14. omg ok i have always wondered that and dont beleive it is they say if u commit suicide ur going to h**l...wut??!  why??! what about people that had nooo other option or the ones that cant handle life and are sooo depressed but then i begin to wonder about how it says that you should worship and praise god everyday or your goin to h**l..ok i pray to god but i dont worship or praise him all the tyme im not gunna worship and praise some1 24/7 that i never even met or heard speak!

    wut kind of **** is that why so many rules god??? living life is hard enought but now i have other things i have to do too jus to make it to heaven??

    jus sum things i think about that i wanted to share with you lol :)

  15. if you believe in religion, then yes it is a sin, all major religions believe that suicide is a sin.

    if you are an athiest, you really dont have any beliefs in God or religious type teachings so suicide has no implications to being a sin or not, its just a personal choice to those without faith.  

  16. Yes and don't do it. You can find peace thru prayer and meditation.

  17. It depends on yor religion, but most religions consider it a sin.

    The American separation between church and state was intended to let people worship/practice their religion as they see fit - but even so, suicide isn't legal in America.

    If you don't follow a religion, then it's up to you and your conscience. But realize that suicide may not give you relief. For one thing, you may botch it and spend the rest of your life paralyzed, disabled, a mental vegetable. Even if you do succeed, you won't know any feeling of relief - at best, it will be oblivion, the obliteration of you.

    Lots of grief and guilt for those you leave behind, as they struggle with the question of why you did it and whether they could have prevented it.

    nd if you believe in ghosts, and you commit suicide to avoid dealing with things, you may just end up as a ghost, trying to resolve your unresolved issues for all eternity.

    What you really want is a better life. Identify the things that prevent you from having the peace and joy that you want. Brainstorm some ways to change that - even risk losing everything to change your life. Research and ask for help in getting what you want. You have nothing to lose, right?

  18. yes it is a sin. we do not have the right to decide if we live or die. only God can decide that.

  19. Hello,

    Great question! This is something many people wonder about. In my opinion, one should never consider suicide as an option. In most cases the bible would consider it a sin.

    I have often been depressed in the past & entertained the idea of ending it all. However, the thing that stops me is this:

    First, I don't believe it does actually make anything better. You don't know if it will take away the pain or make life better. For all we know, it could instantly be worse. More pain, more hurt, for eternity.

    Second, I don't do it because the hurt it would bring other people in my life. I couldn't bring that kind of pain on my wife or loved ones.

    Third, I do believe in God. I believe we do live forever, and I don't want to be judged for taking my own life. The Bible clearly teaches that we are to protect life, and that means our own also.

    Fourth, this is from personal experience, things can get way better. I have literally been at the bottom in my life before. No money, bad health (I broke out in hives daily), a lack of belief in God, and depression. I didn't want to live, and didn't think life would get any better.

    However, life can get better. I am much happier now, and never think of ending it.  Instead, I hope I live to be 120 years old!  In fact, you can be so happy, that you can't even imagine wanting to not live!

    So I urge you to not even consider suicide. Instead, look at what is making you unhappy with life, and seek to correct those issues. Life can be better, and those feelings of depression or wanting to die will go away. Just don't give up hope!

  20. It is. See where you end up. I can assure you it won't be a good afterlife.

  21. Your question answers itself.  Thou shalt not kill.  Including yourself.

  22. You don't have the right to take life if you did not give life. Similiarly, you did not create yourself, so you don't have any right to kill yourself too.

  23. I have looked through the Bible all I can see is murder is a sin. Yet there is only unforgivable sin and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit or in other words denying God's existence. So yes it is a sin, but it also as with other sin forgivable. I have discussed this with many people far more knowledgeable than I and there is no consensus on an exact answer.  

  24. If there were no God, there would be no sin and your question would not be asked. Because you are asking the question, you already know the answer. Killing oneself intentionally is just as evil as killing any of God's innocent children.

  25. Sin is imaginary, however it's a rather nasty thing to do to people who know you.

  26. Suicide is the same as premeditated murder,yes,it is a sin.Your suppose to shine for Christ,even through difficult times.What would it say for one that commits suicide as far as his/her faith goes?

  27. Tricky question this, I am an atheist so I do not think it a sin. You will not gain peace from it though, only death and the nothing that is death. You will also leave behind a great heartache for others, heartache and questions with no answers, the same things that may be hurting you now. If these things are so difficult why, why, why would you impose that pain upon others? No, it is not a sin, but it is selfish and wrong. If you want things to be better you have to make them better, you have to work at it.It may be hard but it sounds as if life is hard anyway. Better to be hard now and working toward a living peace, than a death that leaves many more in turmoil..

  28. only one way to find out, but I don't suggest it.

    Don't give up life when you are feeling down.

  29. Suicide is not a sin. There is no such thing as sin. However I do say that anyone who does commit suicide is either cowardly or should get help before hand. Life is too precious to get rid of by your own hand.

  30. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble finding peace.  I don't know your situation, but your problem(s) has a solution and it's most-likely founded in love.  By showing love to others, love will return to you in abundance.  Despite your belief in God, it's always been this way.

    From the perspective of spiritualism and mountains of communications received from those that have passed before us, suicide never provides release.  Not only will you create difficulty for spiritual self, but you also need to understand the amount of emotional pain that you'll cause to those around you.  It's always best to resolve our problems here and now.  

    If you're having suicidal thoughts, please talk to someone who can help before you make a decision you can't reverse.  

    1-800-SUICIDE  (1-800-784-2433)   

    1-800-273-TALK  (1-800-273-8255)

  31. exodus chapter 20 verse 13

    thou shall not kill, this is breaking one of the ten commandments of

    god and on the great judgment day the dead will be judged on these commandments of god!

    killing yourself is not the answer !

    to find true peace is to find the true christ out of all the fake ones out there! i can show you the way to him but you have to let all the fairy tales go

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