
Is kimbo really an ultimate fighter?

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He seems like a big p***y that is afraid to fight a real fighter.




  1. First things first,I am not  a Kimbo fan but,he is a tough dude. He would never make it in the UFC,he is a pure money draw and CBS is banking off of his internet hype.

  2. I don't think he's an "ultimate" fighter, but I don't think he's a p***y.

    He'd beat any of our asses anyday (unless you are a champion grappler).

    But, even then, you have to respect the guys hands. I mean, this guy probably hasn't had any professional training, and his movement and striking is above average.  How many of us could actually be that good by learning on our own?

    When Slice fights a real fighter, he'll gas out, but he'll definitely put a bruise on someone.  I respect anyone who realizes fighting is just more than flailing haymakers.

    Just because they aren't the best, doesn't make them *******.  He's on a contract...he couldn't choose his fights even if he wanted to.

  3. well he kicked *** tonight and hes undefeated so he cant be that much of a p***y

  4. Kimbo is all hype.  Period.  That said, he isn't choosing his fights.  All Kimbo is doing is what he is told to do.  And at the end of the day, he's smart to ride this wave and get paid for as long as he can.

  5. Kimbo was a street fighter and is a ways off on being a MMA or UFC fighter.  Holy c**p people give the guy a chance.  He's just starting out.  It's like everybody is dogging the guy out.  He didn't hype himself the media hyped him.  He just wants to fight so let him prove himself.

  6. I'll tell you what will happen if he fights any top 10 MMA heavyweight,  it will be like when Tyson fought Lewis. He'll get totally out classed. Kimbo slice is a tough guy, however he is not a mixed martial artist. You can not jump in to MMA in your 30's. These men have been doing this for years. That's a slap in the face to them, saying oh I banged out some bum in my boys back yard so I think I can do MMA now. I can not wait until they put him in the ring with a legit heavyweight MMA fighter so they can beat him and expose him or what he his...A fraud. Do you guys realize if that goof he fought tonight threw just one head kick or body kick he could have stopped Kimbo?? But he did not throw one, come to think of it, none of

    his opponents have..Kind of strange isn't it considering this supposed to be martial arts. That just bugs me.

  7. They aren't going to let him fight a true MMA fighter because he's a money draw now and he'd lose that match.

    He ALMOST lost on the CBS/EliteXC card tonight!

    They'll keep him in stand-up fights until they've gotten all the money out of him they can. THEN a true MMA match MIGHT happen.

    No time soon though.

  8. that goof couldn't whip my grandmother.

  9. Well atleast not yet, problem is be the time he actually get some great experience under his belt he will be pushing 40.

    It is true he is just there to make money for the event, I believe he would of lost the match if it was not stopped for reason I still don;t understand.

  10. He's a S****y fighter.

    For those of you who say that he's 3-0 and you think that's good...consider who he's fought...

    Ray Mercer: Washed up boxer who's been out of that game for 10 years

    Tank Abbott: Lost 11 of his last 13

    Thompson: Lost 7 of his last 9

    If you take that into consideration, he has done nothing in terms of MMA. An average UFC fighter like Brandon Vera could KO this joke in 1 round.

    EDIT: He's not a respectable street fighter either. Again, who has he beaten on the street? Obese, 350 pound men who can hardly stand on their own let alone fight. And the ones who aren't severely obese, have shown that they are crappy "street fighters". Who the **** is Adryan? That guy can't even hold his hands up right. Common, people, this guy is all hype, no skills.

  11. 3 - 0 says it all. He is undefeated.

  12. kimbo is not ready to fight an elite trained fighter yet.Is he a fighter?Ofcourse he is a fighter.If he trained in some grappling,jujitzu, and some takedown defense he could hold his own with better fighters.For now no he cant go to toe 2 toe

  13. Make no bones about it, Kimbo Slice is a legitimate badass.

    Does that translate into MMA success? Sofar it has, but considering his opponents, it doesn't mean much. Kimbo won his first two pro MMA fights because he is big, he can take punishment and he can dish it out. Those are tough odds for even experienced fighters to overcome.

    Tonight he got pushed to his limit. He failed to escape out of holds that most MMA fighters could easily maneuver out of, and he panicked. Perhaps he should have tapped out, but instead he opted to tough it out. He has everything to lose by tapping out, though, and he has everything to gain by forcing his opponent to force him to a KO. The longer Kimbo fights, the more opportunity he has to beat you down, the more he learns, and the more his reputation grows.

  14. okay well hes 3-0 and i would like to see you say that to the "big pussys" face

    wtf... he kicked a couple random dudes a$ses and video taped them... whats he supposed to go fight the iceman now? give him a break


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