
Is king pawn in anyway superior to queen pawn in chess?

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Which is more suitable for someone more interested in positional play against someone agressive.




  1. No.  A pawn is a pawn and each is capable of the same moves as any other pawn.

  2. the kings pawn opening d4 is the best opening in chess.  even the late bobby fisher said it is the best by test.

  3. Moving the king's pawn first will allow for quicker kingside castling. Moving the queen's pawn and castling queenside takes longer due to having to move the queen out of the way.

  4. The Kings Pawn Opening is "e4" not "d4".  

    1. d4 is the Queens Pawn opening.

    Fischer did prefer e4, but would play d4 now and then... .  He used the Queen's Gambit against Spassky in the '72 Match, but opened with c4 followed by d4.

  5. There are no absolutes in chess, !.d4 will more often lead to closed positions where slow maneuvering  and positional play are more important, yet there are many lines starting out 1.d4 that are quite lively and tactical.  1.e4 opening lead more easily into open and semi-open games where Tempo and Tactics rule the board, and yet it is still possible to reach many closed positions from 1.e4.  The moves are of equal value but if you want to avoid sharp tactical openings 1.d4 is your best bet.

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