
Is kissing a learnt habit.......or natural?..froma sociological view........sociology thinkers plz answer?

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Is kissing a learnt habit.......or natural?..froma sociological view........sociology thinkers plz answer?




  1. A behaviour can only be said to be 'human nature' if it is found in every known society.  If you can find an example of a tribe that does not exhibit a given behaviour, you have to conclude that behaviour is not part of numan nature. With kissing, there are societies where it doesn't exist - the Inuit ('Eskimo') don't kiss, they rub noses.  Therefore kissing is a learned behaviour because there is at least one society where it doesnt exist.

  2. If you were to sit two people in a room, who loved each other, they wouldn't kiss right away (without outside influences), but eventually hormones would arise, and one or the other would "explore" and kiss their lips I'm sure, but as far as being a GOOD kisser? It is learned, because it depends on the person your kissing what they like, therefore you cannot know unless you explore,ask, and learn.

    The same with s*x I guess, you don't just randomly do it, you have to explore (if you don't know anatomy and such). Then you realize what feels good to you, you tell the other and the parts match up, thus s*x! Then being good at it is the same, you must explore, ask, and learn.

  3. Lips, nipples and genitals are all composed of similar erectile tissue, which enjoys stimulation, rubbing and caressing...

    It's only a matter of time before we discover this!

  4. kissing is a natural thing.  not everyone is a good kisser.  i kiss my boyfriend whenever i see him and he says i'm a good kisser and i wasn't taught.  my first kiss was in a bedroom and we were cuddling and dancing while kissing.  personally i was trying to brake a record-longest kiss! he doesn't know!   =-)

  5. I recall reading somewhere that in order to wean their children from breastmilk mothers would chew food and children would eat the prechewed bits until they could handle solid food.  somehow it evolved from that into kissing.

  6. kissing is said to have originated in india, so if you take that into consideration, its a learned art. i happened to glance though a old vedic book once at the library on 23 different ways to kiss.

    you may like to read this......

  7. Our lips are soft, warm, moist and full of nerve endings. It's only natural we'd discover the pleasure of pressing them against the lips of others whom we like.

  8. Inuit, and some Pacific Islanders rub noses instead. Chimpanzees have been observed kissing in the wild, on occasion.

  9. Bonobos, who are very close cousins of ours, kiss.  They also engage in oral s*x and face-to-face sexual intercourse.  This kind of behavior could very well have arisen before we split off from their line.  And we think we're so inventive.

  10. if apes do it, its natural.

  11. All the great apes do it (Chimps; Bonobos; Orangutans; Gorillas; and of course, us.)  It seems to be a curious, but natural thing.

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