
Is kissing many people like sampling many foods?

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Like when you sample different foods, you're ingesting the molecules of food into your body and your body uses the good stuff and disposes of the waste.

So, can you view kissing many people the same way? When you kiss a person on the lips, you take in some of their saliva molecules into your body. And, can't it be reasoned that your body does the same thing - makes use of the good stuff, and disposes of the waste?

So, in essence, wouldn't it be good to kiss a lot of people on the lips so you assimilate their good molecules into you and you end up having a stronger body because of the breadth of molecules you've experienced?

(Of course, you have to be smart about it. Just like with some foods, there will be some people that you won't want to kiss again after trying them once; also, with some people you won't even want to sample a kiss from just based on their appearance - it's your body telling you there's bad chemistry, literally.)




  1. if ur a kissing freak;it rilly doesn't mean anything as long as ur partners use expensive toothpaste else u stand a chance of contacting mouth odour

  2. after you get herpes...stop kissing people!

  3. kissing means exchange of millions of bacteria from mouth to mouth.  If you want to sample different millions of germs, then go ahead.

  4. hmmmmm....touche wise man....

    Then again, many answers on this page are also intellegent!

  5. That would depend on how choosy you are,

    in your taste!

    Personally for me I Eat very Little.

    But with the right menu,

    I have a huge Appetite!

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