
Is knowledge a neutral thing?

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Is knowledge a neutral thing?




  1. good question....

    i think there are more factors to look upon..

    first... knowledge could be seen as something objective... like knowing how something works (from small to big things...from how fast does the rock fall to how to be persuasive)... knowing the way that things work... like that is something existent out there and you can get to know it...

    this is a way of seeing things... but if we think about it, we can see that the objective reality is known by us through senses and codified in symbols.... our senses can not show us anything outside their sensibility range so... we build our symbols from what we can sense as existent... and all of the things people sensed as existent are in things such as common knowledge and science...

    so... knowledge is not a neutral thing... it belongs to humans and evolves and breathes with them

  2. Knowledge gives one understanding and in that limited sense it is good.  But understanding gives one the ability to work for good or for evil.     In that sense, knowledge is neutral.

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