
Is knowledge tainting our innocents and souls in return for the illusion of a more informed choice?

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This is how i've been feeling about the world lately... Depressing I know... Id love to go and hang out with a bunch of 10 year olds right now, that would just rock my world....




  1. Yes, yes it is, how sweet to be an idiot.

    You wont forget how to kid around though kid.

    This is why I volunteer to babysit so often, watch a bit of play school & do the actions to get in touch with your inner child, you know how to do it :)

    The more you know the more often you see what others don't know, the more you say less because you can see clearly that they can't see what you know, with what they don't know.

    You know?

    Knowledge is power, with power comes responsibility.

  2. "What if learning, while trying to provide us with new defences against natural misfortunes, has instead impressed it's weight and magnitude on our imaginations."  Montaigne, Essais (1580).

    This problem is common and is recorded by people as far back as the ancient greeks.  Such a widespread sentiment should confirm that your feelings are true.  I often feel the same way so I'm going to have to agree with you.  I particularly feel overwhelmed by the expectation of others to continually learn and upgrade skills, keep up with peers, be ambitious and have goals for education,"No man knows how to stop at the limit of his needs."  The problem is having a lot knowledge doesn't help you to think, or live happily.  "Little learning is necessary to make a sound mind" (Seneca).   It's possible all we need is already within us.  So it seems better to learn to make use of it and take a relaxed attitude about being knowledgeable.  If you want to hang out with kids all day then you should work in childcare.  This is what I do and it is pretty good.  

  3. I don't think informed choice is ever innocent when it involves knowledge and I firmly believe our souls have built in radar, in a manner of speaking, that help guide our paths as long as we choose to listen.  Such a gift can never be exchanged for illusion.  It's as real as the heart that beats within our chest.   There is no giving up a piece of our very core just to survive.  We all must inhale the breathe that was first God's...we are never lost when we know from whence we've come.

  4. Sure thing, just don't feel bad when an adult tells you you are an idiot or that they stop trusting you for being ignorant, naive, immature...etc.  There are always two sides to a coin, so flip it as often as you want to.

  5. ignorance is bliss when you were a child you spent your days not caring about money about friends or any of the things that make life so much more difficult once you understand and use them, if that were not the case then that phrase would not exist

  6. Why do you see it as an illusion.

    Ignorance is bliss.

    Knowledge really does take our innocence and often, happiness. But it comes down to who you want to be. For me, I'd prefer to be disgusted by the world and society then to be in it and naive.  I'd prefer to know what was going on around me. It totally depends on how much value you put into knowledge.

    There's always a choice. You could either embrace your natural intelligence or ignore it.

  7. (No...but it does "appear like that" sometimes, but that's a can "see that," but it's not really real)

    We all go through that "mental phase" you're describing...(try to remember that the depressingly "big picture" is balanced out equally by the amazingly rewarding and fun "small picture..."

    Balance is the key...don't focus on any one size picture too's all about the love, girl...don't ever forget that...

    It gets better, though...our minds and bodies become better as we age, to the point that...

    By the time we are in our 40's...

    We're almost perfect human beings...

    (And then we begin the long, slow descent into utter Madness!)

    Doo Wah!  (Hee Hee)

  8. "Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson, is hilarious, and has two main characters of that age group.  Recommended :-)

    Innocence is inner sense.  If one is alert and nurturing, one champions one's childhood memories and present being of love, kindness, joy, and so on.  This is a function of parenting, and of learning to grow up in the Childlike way of Jesus.

    Dr. Olga Kharitidi, in her "The Master of Lucid Dreams" and her earlier "Entering the Circle," describes knowledge as like a serpent:  hold it too tightly, and it's dead; hold it too loosely, and it escapes.

    Ann Ree Colton, in her "Watch Your Dreams," Mark Prophet, in his "The Path of the Higher Self" and "The Masters and Their Retreats," and O. M. Aivanhov in his "Hope for the World:  Spiritual Galvanoplasty," note that Energy is God, and energy-veiling, e-veiling, eviling, is what happens when the +/- "serpentine" or relativity knowing of "maybe this, maybe the other" is not held in divine Love and purity of motive (right desire).

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,

    "The Overachievers," Alexandra Robbins,

    "Extraordinary Knowing,"

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Freakonomics," S. Levitt, and

    "West with the Night," Beryl Markham, are six more refreshing books. and are also good.

  9. Choice is -always- an illusion, be it informed or not.  And a thing can only be 'tainted' if its true nature is already known.

    Still....  If you believe that ignorance is bliss.....  Be happy ☺


    Edit:  Remember that there is a -huge- difference between 'knowledge' and 'wisdom'.  Don't confuse the two.

  10. Knowledge may be, yes.  But wisdom is the road to spiritual freedom.

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