
Is kosovo a free visa country?

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please going from nigeria to kosovo is it a visa free. if yes what other neccessary document may be required by the embassy of kossovo




  1. The UK FCO website was updated very recently and states no visa is requied for any nationality.


    Entry requirements


    There are no visa requirements for any national, including British, to enter Kosovo.  Since July 2005, a new law on the movement of persons into and out ofKosovo came into force. You may be required to provide documentary evidence giving a reason for your entry and stay to local authorities when entering Kosovo. A 90-day entry stamp will be issued which is renewable for longer stays. Amended UNMIK Regulation No. 2005/16 of 8 April 2005 provides further:

    Please note that the authorities in Serbia do not consider the designated crossing points from Kosovo to be official “international” border crossing points. You should not attempt to enter Serbia from Kosovo, unless you initially travelled into Kosovo from Serbia, or via Albania, Macedonia or Montenegro (for more information please visit the Serbian Ministry for Foreign Affairs website at


    Note that airline check-in staff often become confused regarding entry requirements for Kosovo, and may try to tell you a visa is required.  That is because the airline's travel info database lists Kosovo as part of Serbia, which does require visas for most nationalities.  

    I recommend you print the above-linked page from the UK FCO website and take it to the airport with you in case it is needed.

  2. Kosovo is not a country.

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