
Is krav maga hard???

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im starting today with my friend, i have no experience fighting but shes a black belt..




  1. if its a good club with friendly students.Sensei? then it shouldn't,t be a problem

  2. Krav Maga is mentally hard,

    because the things you will learn will build confidence

    (don't get me wrong it is also physical)

    youtube it and check it out

  3. I wouldn't say "hard", I would say it's very "physical".

    Krav Maga self defense courses are described as eclectic. Void of traditional martial art forms, katas, ranking systems, and traditions it is known as a practial "no nonsense"self defense system. It's design is to teach close quater combat techniques in a systematic way that doesn't take years to learn, and is very effective in everyday situations.

    Krav Maga training is very unique from other martial arts, despite sharing many of the same techniques. Worst-case scenarios, surprise attacks, and disadvantaged situations are stressed in the training environment. Effectiveness is a staple of the art for both attack and defensive situations.

    Pads are used extensively when learning Krav Maga. The simple reason is that it allows Kravmaga practioners to apply techniques and apply more or maximum power to replicate real life scenarios. Students often wear shin protectors, groin protectors, mouth guards, forearm guards, and other devices to protect themselves during training.

    To develop a human weapon, Kravmaga trainers employ a technique referred to as "Strike and Fight", which is basically full contact sparring. The intent of Strike and Fight is to familiarize students with the practical reality of the potentially violent situations they will be encounter, should they ever be in a physical confrontation.

    Typical Kravmaga classes begin with stretching. After which the instructor will teach two or three self-defense techniques. Techniques will either start off as combatives moves such as hammer-fists, punches, knees, or elbows. Grappling which usually consist of breaking out of chokes and wrist-grabs, getting out from under an opponent while on one's back. Next, classes move to a drills that combine techniques just taught with an aerobic technique. Towards the end of the class there is often a final drill intended to exasperat e the students.

    The above is from an article I wrote on Krav Maga posted on my webpage.

  4. Well your friend is definitely going to have the upper hand on you, but you should be fine. They certify their instructors very well from what I have seen and they understand how to handle their classes.

    What I will say you should expect is an intense experience, from what I have seen and heard they hold very little back right from the start and throw you into the fire. Now don't let this intimidate you there is most definitely a method to the madness and it is the same method that I have been a part of using in teaching self defense and rape prevention courses with my local police. The point of throwing you in the fire right from the start is to get you over the shock really fast and to better in sure that when you are in a real situation in your life, that the stress of it doesn't make you forget what you have been taught to do.

    This may very a little from school to school, but from my understanding it is a pretty basic part of Krav Maga and it is a concept that I very much agree with. I have seen black belts that freaked out the first time the situation was real and just blank out. The shock of being thrown into the deep in with a style like Krav Maga is to help keep that from happening, just like it was our purpose in the self defnse courses and rape prevention courses I have taught with the police.

    You will be okay, they may act like they are going to rip you to pieces, but these are trained instructors and they know what they are doing and it really is for your own best interest.

    Best of luck!! Don't forget to breath, may be a little scary your first few classes you be all good after that.

  5. krav maga is the deadliest most awesome martial art ever.  It's definitely hard.  krav maga teachers could beat bruce lee.

  6. Krav Maga is hard in the sense that you have to learn to take a punch fairly early in your training unlike many other full contact styles where you train for months before being allowed to spar. Krav Maga is street lethal and a very effective fighting style.  

  7. Depends on how hard your instructor works you out.
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