
Is larry sinclair a guest speaker at the republican convention?Or will the gop trot out their boy larry craig?

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Is larry sinclair a guest speaker at the republican convention?Or will the gop trot out their boy larry craig?




  1. Neither will be there.

  2. I am not quite sure but, I bet Tony Rezko, Edwards, and the likes of such are speaking this week at the DNC.

  3. Who cares?

    Everybody knows the GOP are flip flopping liars. Mitt Romney as McCain's VP will put the 30% undecided firmly into Obama's pocket.

    And the GOP is just too stupid to understand this.

  4. No but I'd bet that little boy Obama and Bill Clinton might get together if it wasn't for Obama's racist background.  They both love little boys.

  5. Will the DNC trot out McGreevey? Just wondering since you seem to be implying something.  

  6. Only if there's 3 stalls in the mens room & Obama is in the middle

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