
Is lasik a good alternative to contacts and glasses?

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have you had it done and are you happy with it?




  1. I had LASIK 4 yrs ago and would do it again,  its primarily for near-sighted people and there are some requirements you have to meet.

    your cornea has to be a LEAST 500+microns thick and your Rx must not have changed in 2 to 3 years.  and be at least 21 years old or older.

    this surgery is to help you to see far away, so when you are 50y/o you will have to wear reading glasses.

    this procedure is done with a laser not a knife and it takes about 2 minutes per eye

  2. i wear contacts. my mom and dad both had it. they liked it. but my moms kindof wore off. : ( so it depends if u really wanna do it

  3. if you can handle watching a scalpel come at you and cut your eye open, you go right ahead my friend! :) I don't have eye sight problems, but if I did, I wouldn't TOUCH lasik if someone paid me!!

  4. it can be great or not.  if you're young and healthy you'll get a lot of years of corrected vision from lasik surgery before you need reading glasses.  the post-op few days are painful be forewarned, and you might have dry eye afterward.  these are all manageable.

  5. Even with lasik you will eventually have to wear glasses. If you have a really high RX like at -6 and up or a + 5 I would say yes go ahead and get it. If contact dont bother you then just stick with them.

    Alot of people like lasik when they first get but then  after they really don't like it.

    Lasik is really expensive...... so to your question I would think about it. Search lasik on google and see the bolgs people write.  

  6. its kinda of expensive and not really for young people...

    i stick to contacts

  7. I would if I had the $

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