
Is law a basic code of ethics that all people are forced to live by?

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And is a man a bad person if his ethical code is not contingent with the law?




  1. That would depend entirely on the 'ethics' of the law-makers.  The "Laws" of Germany's Third Reich were certainly the most immoral laws ever devised by man....just slightly more repressive than the Levitical code that demanded DEATH for any infractions of codes based on archaic desert ethics. It was imperative for people of conscience to Object to the laws of n**i Germany....and most people of conscience also see the injustice of the tyrannical Levitical code.

    Law is determined by the government or 'ruling' party or religious heirarchy of any nation. They are meant as 'stopgaps' against CRIME (and possible heresy)...not insurance to preserve the morals of a populace. When Christianity became the Official religion of the Empire, under Constantine, the LAW demanded the death penalty for pagans, the destruction of their temples, and the burning of their books.  Consider the 'ecclesiastical/dictatorial' laws that prevailed in Inquisitional Spain, and were echoed under the regime of Franciso Franco.  A government of 'fear' and persecution, sanctioned by a fascist church.  

  2. There are times when we are forced to disobey the law and obey the higher authority of our conscience. That is presuming our conscience is of a higher standard than even the law. For example, a felon breaks the law by owning a gun, but then in his home he kills a mass murderer in the middle of the night who broke in.

    He must face the consequences of owning that gun, but if the prosecutor or the jury decide that this particular felon has owned the gun for 10 years and never fired it, they might find it justified and merely give him a slap on the wrist.

    Otherwise, if he's fired it before, he could go back to prison.

    Ethics are often accepted in law as being better than the law--if and when there is justification for it.

  3. Code of ethics is different from the law Perry.  Law is enforced to keep bad elements under control, so that societies may function properly, without fear of bullies, murderers, or deceitful actions of unscrupulous people.  Law protects peoples basic right to life, liberty and Justice.  Code of ethics is what an individual functions on.  They may be people who do business in an unlawful manner, hiding behind a respectable facade, to fool people, the way one treats others who have less then them or are in anyway handicapped, women treated like second class citizens.  Ethic work on a personal base, whereas laws are meant for the common good of all.  There are people who bribe others in order to get things done etc. but that does not necessarily make them bad people, just dishonest and too impatient, and it is these kind of people who by their examples, lead others to do the same and soon the whole society can become corrupt and destroy a nation.  Yes I guess the person may not be bad but his wrong actions or his CODE OF ETHICS, which in order to make money or get something done, may lead to a conflict with the law in the end if it ends up hurting those around him.

  4. you already know the answer so why are you asking? just another young dumb kid huh? rebel! rebel! rebel!

  5. No the law is merely a culturally defined list of "things that it would be a pretty good idea if everybody tried to pay attention to". For instance, it is the law that you must come to a complete stop at a stop sign, but most people usually don't (not completely anyways), and they almost never get in trouble for it. I wouldn't say that makes them bad people though. The law exists merely because it's a pretty good idea to stop at a stop sign.

  6. No, law is not a code of ethic.  Law is a code of control, to keep society in line, and prevent any breakout of corruption, or disruption.

    Ethics, are totally different, well.. not totally.

  7. i think laws r bullsh*t why cause like if u break a law like u go kill some1 and 9outta10 times u get life in prison ur still alive and the 1 u killed r still dead so why not kill u like u killed them and some laws r totally useless like if u get a dui u have to attend dui school to hear a person say dont drink and drive till u can take it anymore now man isnt all bad but way far from good with these laws to abide by i think it would b nice to do away with presidents and governments and the whole worthless system its nothing but a money gimmick anyways

  8. if u mean constitution

    it is other name of moral

    as  we know every constitution is temporary

  9. They force us to believe that we should live by the 40 hour week in America.

  10. There are two basic assumptions contained within your question...

    Are laws ethics...and are we forced to obey them?

    Law are not ethics, remember that slavery was once legal, and that there are still women alive today who were alive when it was illegal for them to vote.  The laws that made that illegal were hardly ethical.

    The second part of your question contains a much longer answer...but it concerns a discussion of the social contract.  Exactly what freedoms are we willing to forego, in exchange for the safety of living in a so-called free society?  If you do not take part in society, theoretically of course, you do not have to live by societies laws, but when there are no laws, you can lose all your stuff, your freedom without any recourse.  So are we forced to live in the laws of society in exchange for the protection afforded by an organized society?

    AS I said, it is a lot longer question.  Locke and Hobbes and Rousseau and Plato and all the rest discussed this in much greater detail.

    Good luck

  11. You essentially ask two jurisprudential questions which have plagued the greatest legal thinkers for centuries: ‘What is law?’ and ‘What is its relationship to morality?’ I love jurisprudence and I will give you a well thought out answer in a day or so. This is really far too good a question to rush!

  12. law is made up by social norms and cultural norms.  What is not ok in one place is perfectly fine in another.  EX: in the US a 40 year old European came to visit friends.  He stepped out onto the balcony of the hotel room wearing his underwear only to look around.  This is perfectly acceptable in his country.  In the US he was arrested for indecent exposure.

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