
Is leading a g*y life style blasphemy against what God teaches?

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Is leading a g*y life style blasphemy against what God teaches?




  1. what you mean leading?

  2. Yes you should not be doing that.

  3. Volition is a gift from God to all normal minds. How we choose in life is up to us. We are judged for our intent not our acts. "P.1133 - §5 God the Father deals with man his child on the basis, not of actual virtue or worthiness, but in recognition of the child's motivation--the creature purpose and intent. The relationship is one of parent-child association and is actuated by divine love."

    P.37 - §3 In any universe contest between actual levels of reality, the personality of the higher level will ultimately triumph over the personality of the lower level. This inevitable outcome of universe controversy is inherent in the fact that divinity of quality equals the degree of reality or actuality of any will creature. Undiluted evil, complete error, willful sin, and unmitigated iniquity are inherently and automatically suicidal. Such attitudes of cosmic unreality can survive in the universe only because of transient mercy-tolerance pending the action of the justice-determining and fairness-finding mechanisms of the universe tribunals of righteous adjudication.

  4. You should take your own conclusions. I recommend you to read the books of John, Romans, Corinthians (1 and 2) and Galatians. Then you'll know.

  5. If you believe that ...than you are some unhappy camper.  Read up on some psychology and anthropology....religion is man made.

  6. Don't be f.cking ridiculous. Being g*y isn't a sin, or blasphemous. When will these Bible-toters realise that God is a God of LOVE, and not of hate and vengeance? Jesus didn't preach a message of killing or alienating people who were different - he associated with the lepers, the tax collectors, the prostitutes. He loves you for what you are, who you are, no matter what that is. He is tolerant and forgiving, not judgemental and spiteful. We are all human, just human, and not categories.

  7. No matter what, there will always be people who don't believe in a God and people who do.  The question you must ask yourself, is what do I believe?  And right there is your answer.  Personally I think being g*y is wrong, but so are a lot of other things.  Do what you think is right.

  8. I don't believe in any god, as every god we've come up with so far has been demanding, unnecessarily cruel, forcing people to bend to his every whim and spend their life on this planet in limitation to get to be in his forced presence for all eternity.

    So no, I'd say not. Especially since gayness usually results from a different chemical balance in the brain - not being something you can control, why should you be condemned for it?

    So much for "all loving."

  9. Any significant sin is not cool with divine Love, Life, and Truth.

    If a cowgirl is overly sexual, she may seek self-medication by a time with another female.

    It's a clue that person should hold her reins a little more purely.

    Try reading "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet,

    "For Women Only," Shaunti Feldhahn,

    "Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon," O. M. Aivanhov, and

    "When God Writes Your Love Story," Eric and Leslie Ludy.

  10. Depends on what you believe I suppose.  I wonder how many people who hold the Bible as the literal word of God have even heard of the Council of Nicea (I hope I spelled that correctly) where what actually went into the Bible was voted on by some very powerful people with very secular - and sometimes not very godly - agendas.  Some of these people stood to gain if certain segments of the population - particularly women - were held down.  How better to do so than to claim - especially to a particularly superstitious population - that it was God's will.  I consider myself to be a Christian but I have my own arguments against the infallibility of the Bible.  It just doesn't make sense.  Why would God, who is supposedly so concerned about our following His rules make His word so obscure?  Why would He make it so we need scholars to interpret its meaning?  Seems to me He would be pretty straightforward about it.  I mean let's suppose the story of the 10 Commandments is true.  If so then I see a contradiction!  The 10 Commandments are straightforward and easily understood without additional interpretation required, whereas parts for the Bible are quite obscure.  If then, the Bible is the word of God, why the switch in presentation.  Are we now to believe God is szhophrenic??  I would worry less about adhering to the literal word of the Bible and more about leading the kind of life we believe God would want us to live.

  11. yes just like cussing. stealing, lying, killing (even supporting war), adultery, fornication, oral s*x. the list goes and on.  

  12. I think it should be considered blasphemy against what NATURE teaches.

  13. That would depend on whether or not you believe what's in the bible.

    If you do, it is.

    If you don't, it isn't

  14. It's all an interpretation of the Bible. You do what you feel is right. [If He exists] God put you here for a reason. You can make your own decisions. There's no wrong with being g*y. It's all a matter of opinion.


  15. Yes it is.

  16. hhmmm which one of the GODS are we talking about here. coz I know alot of gods who are g*y themselves.  

  17. NO! this is only what people claim.

    Just ask one of them to prove that god taught them that.

    If experience serves as any guide you will encounter this type of reasoning.

  18. I want to answer three questions:

    1) Is disagreeing with the bible blasphemy?

    2) Is being g*y condemned in the Old Testament?

    3) Is being g*y condemned in the New Testament?

    1) Being g*y is comparable to breaking a comandment or not being kosher in the OT. Nobody says if you eat shellfish you are blaspheming, or by LYING they are blasheming. It is an exaggeration.

    2) Being g*y is condemned in the OT the same as lying or eating shellfish. Anybody who isn't Hassidic has nothing to complain about someone being g*y.

    3) The NT defends not being kosher, not following the letter of the law and still condemns being g*y. So g*y is bad, wildly inconsistent is okay.

  19. god real...prove it ... leave alternate lifestyles to enjoy their own lives, live your own and be happy too...

  20. I do not beleive so. Being, g*y or lezbain is just natural. You can't help it. So don't feel bad. Plus one of my best friends is g*y and he is the nivest person you will ever meet. He is catholic and he doesn't beleive there is anything wrong with it. So don't beat yourself up for it ok?

    Luv ya bunches.


  21. NO! be happy no matter what, even if god didnt like it. Its your life and you should live it for yourself.

  22. yes.

    "Man ought not lay with mankind as with womankind."

    Homosexuality is abomination in God's eyes.

    but I'm a proud Atheist so I don't care

  23. Who cares? God is imaginary. Why would he create you this way (he didn't) and punish you for it? Is god a teenage prick with narcissistic features? It's more about how people accept/reject non-normative lifestyle and how you are accepted rather than what god may or may not like. And yes the majority's view of g*y population stemming from archaic atavistic religious belief we all would be better off with out.

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