
Is learning to play a guitar easy with out an instructor?

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My lil sis wants to get a guitar but she doesnt want an instructor. Will it be east for her to learn?? Please I really need your help people!?!?




  1. At first it will be a little difficult to understaned and figure out all the concepts.  But as long as she's willing to put a lot of hard work into and keep practicing, she'll be able to do it!

  2. Getting an instructor is definately worth the time/effort/money, etc.  Books and videos can be helpful, but not nearly as much as an instructor.  And since she is just starting out, she definately wants to start off on the right track. It's much harder to break bad habits than it is to learn good ones in the first place.

    I've found the problem with learning from books/DVDs is that after a while you hit a plateau and you just won't improve. That's when it's time to get an instructor.

  3. teaching yourself an instrument takes some effort.But there are a great many web-sites that are very useful.But if she has her own ideas better to use nothing at all...

  4. It depends. My friend was easily able to pick it up, while I'm still sturggling.

    If she practices really hard, she will be able to do it, but it will be more difficult.

  5. Yes as long as she is dedicated and willing to give up a lot of time to practice.

  6. It won't be easy. There's so much information that having someone teaching her will work wonders. Taking lessons will save her a lot of frustration and wrong playing. Yes, there are good books and websites out there but nothing (and I mean nothing) can really beat out lessons.

    She should take private one-on-one lessons. Ask your local music stores if they offer lessons (majority will). Finding a good teacher though is hard, and they're limited. There are a lot of idiots out there who only want money. Be wary of that.

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