
Is liberalism the natural progression of the Democratic philosphy of government base solutions?

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Or have liberals like Kennedy, Gephardt, Sharpton, Moore, Churchill, Pelosi, etc. attached themselves like ticks on a dog and hijacked it? What do you believe their (liberals) end game is? People, opinions are like a__holes, everybody's got one and they all stink. Give me some facts to support your ideas and opinions. Dummy's need not answer.




  1. Most Americans are just a bit uncomfortable with injustice and unfairness, even when they are not on the losing side of the equation.

    Conservatism is unconcerned.  At worst, those on the losing end get just what they deserved, at best its just the way things work out, but is not an issue to address.

    Liberals want to address these things.  Poverty is a social justice issue that is to be corrected - through direct aid of course, but also through education, job growth, housing and nutrition standards, and access to health care.   Additionally, liberals feel it is our duty to correct problems that affect everybody - so we have cleaner air, cleaner water, product safety standards, and regulation of business to protect the public.

    These are the things Americans want and conservatives almost always oppose these things.  They usually lose, but win the day from time to time if they convince enough people that the cost is to high.  (But they never stop trying to convince people that we should not be doing these things at all as a matter of principle).

    So yes, liberalism is a natural progression as the vast majority of people want problems, issues, injustice, and unfairness addressed.  And that's what liberals do.

    Edit:  I notice that you spared your venom for the other respondents who did not answer the question.  Now why could that be, I wonder?   My answer was Yes to your yes/no question, and it came with an explanation/opinion that I stand by.  Sorry you did not like it.  But it is an answer.

  2. Liberals believe we can 'ALL HOLD HANDS AND SING & HUG" and the world will be a 'BEAUTIFUL" place. Speaking of KENNEDY try approaching his compound in Palm Beach or wherever,,you'll be stopped by guards with "UZIS". Liberals believe "IF IT FEELS GOOD DO IT" "LIBERALS DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYONES FEELINGS BY TELLING THEM THE TRUTH" (like our grading system in school,,little Johnny might get a complex if you put a D or E on his homework).

  3. I do find it as a way to "Dumb-Down" America. Why is it that the Liberals of this country want to give hand out to everyone while the conservitives idea is to help people become succesful.

    I'm not saying all liberals are dum. But with that said, there is 99 percent of the liberals give the rest of them a bad name. I just think that it is easier for liberal's to try to get the votes of the lazy, the weak, and the illegals.

    The liberal party to day is not the party or ideas of JFK, Truman, FDR!

  4. If I understand your question, I would say yes, 'personalities' have abused the system to obtain blocks of votes. I personally think capitalism is the best system to protect and nurture liberty. That said, capitalism like liberty must be tempered with the rule of law to survive and thrive. Either run amok leads to slavery and anarchy eventually. The idea of government was to protect and direct  the citizens to acts in their own self interest. That thought leads to cooperation, security, education, inspiration and other fruits of liberty. The idea was never meant to be that government would solve all our problems, only those too big for individual solutions. Capitalism works much the same way. As I reread your question it seems to be almost backwards. Is the current democratic philosophy of government based solutions  the natural progression of liberalism. To that I'd say no. I think true liberalism as I would define it supports liberty and capitalism. Current "liberals" do not understand the importance of self discipline and choice to a healthy republic. They seem to mean well but in practice they cast aside the best tools to gain their goals. We have lost the notion of survival, trading it for today's comforts. We seem to not be able to see clearly what the future can hold for us. Good and bad.

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