
Is life but an empty dream?

by Guest44964  |  earlier

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Is life but an empty dream?




  1. No, but who can know?

  2. Yes.   Much of our life is spent just surviving -- eating, sleeping, working to pay for things like food, clothes and shelter, and seeking to reproduce.  Almost no-one gets to live their dream. We're like most other life forms; we mostly do what we need to do to survive.  If you're lucky, you get a chance to be more than you are, and to leave the world a different place than you found it.  

  3. No, dreams cant be empty as that would make them nothing and dreams are something. Life is something to.

  4. Sometimes, so I more than make up for it in my dreams....if you know whatt I mean!

  5. life is yours. live out your dream cuz tomorrow aint promised. but wen u die, each memory is counted as a volume, so have a library of memories..

    YES, an empty dream, YOUR empty dream, which means fill it in with annything.

  6. no...because if life is a dream of any sort(full or empty),it means that you are living it...that gives it consistency...hence not empty

  7. "Life" is not.

    If you are a pessimist, YOUR life may be, in your perspective.

    Should you be one of those, be glad yours is at least only empty, and not filled with negatives, as many people's lives are.

  8. All but empty. The overflow spills over into consciousness on waking up.

  9. ...never an empty dream my friend...always hope for all...

  10. It completely depends in the way you see it.

  11. Life is but an empty dream if there ain't no dreams anymore.

    Go on dreaming and bring that life into your dreams. You will truly feel otherwise either..

    The fact that life is more than a million of dreams. Those some were preciously treasured in you and while the others fill your life with worth of knowledge from it.

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