
Is life cheaper in Italy or in the US??

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Stuff here in the US is expensive and i love Italy!

Just wondering! (not that im gonna move or anything but just wanted to know!)




  1. it depends a LOT where you live in italy (as in US i think..) i think more or less are similar expensive... food is cheaper in italy, clothes are much expensive...

    maybe in italy there are more taxes but you don't need any medical insurance because hospitals are free(well, you gonna pay a ticket, but it's like 30-40€ ), as many drugs (gonna pay 1 or 2€)... university is cheaper(going to public university that are really good!),i'm paying 1500€ at year..

  2. It's generally cheaper to live in the US. Gas here is the equivalent of about $10 per gallon. I have a small one bedroom apartment here that costs me about the same as my 4 bedroom home in Colorado. Electronics here are often priced the same in euros as they are in the US in dollars. With the exchange rate, it comes to over 50% more here. Wine is much cheaper here in general. Obviously, things like balsamic vinegar and parmigiano reggiano cheese that are imported from Italy are cheaper here. Taxes are higher here. Note that if you were to move here from the US, you would have to file taxes in both countries. On the other hand medical care and schooling is cheaper.

  3. Well, my friend Joey said he was going to college for free in Italy!

  4. i wish....

  5. Depends on what u buy. technology, clothes, shoes and obviously gas are cheaper in the US.  food and college are cheaper in italy

  6. Let me tell you well I had lived in Italy from 1979-2000 but I did have some breaks and was back in the USA for 9 years and lived in San Diego.

      You know it all depends what part of the country you live in? But I lived on the Island of Sicily and it was really cheap for the longest of time, but when they went to the Euro well things almost doubled in price, because of the strength  of the euro in comparison to the US dollar.

      Even though the Euro being as strong as it is Italy and Sicily  are still very beautiful places to see and the food is fantastic the people are I belive are wonderful.

      If you where to compare Italy to the major cities like LA,Chicago,NY,Dallas and so  on well would say it just about even if not just a little bit higher in Europe.

  7. in the major cities [rome, milan, florence, venice, etc], it's going to be like living in LA, NY, or chicago. but if you live in the suburbs or in the country, it will be around the same prices here... it just depends on where you are.

  8. No, have you seen the rate of euro. Expensive!

  9. i was born and grew up in Rome.. now i am here in california for my college.. i have to say that italy is more expensive then america.. just think of the currency.. euro is higher then dollar.. so if buy a 20 euro t-shirt, it's almost 40 dollars.. you can buy a tshirt here in america for 15 to 20 dollars.. italy is way to expensive  trust me..  in italy some workers are paid well btu still can't afford the high prices.. many italians are complaining.. if you think US is expensive then don't go and see the prices in Italy..

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