
Is life complicated or do we complicate it?

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do we use the excuse of us being humans to excuse the negativity that we bring in our lives, therefore complicating it. Or was life given to us in a complicated way that we have no choice but to use our humanity or human feelings as an excuse.




  1. My view is that unfortunately life is complicated, external factors beyond our control tend to complicate things and sometimes muck up our everyday routine when we are least expecting it. The only thing i will say to back up your view is that sometimes we do tend to make wrong decisions that maybe complicate it more...

  2. We complicate it.First the newborn is given a name which distinguishes him and develop the ego.Then we feed religious teachings and thereby complicate the free thinking into a narrow range.Then the schooling and standardization induces the dependency on modern gadgets which is taken for granted.Then we want our child to look to girl/boy friends for matrimonyny.Then earning high to support a better lifestyle.etc etc In this way we complicate and complicate a very simple life until like a cobweb the person gets entangled and does not know the way to get out.

  3. Everything gets tangled up as soon as humans get involved. We're an  ancient species with complex emotions, living in a tech-heavy world that doesn't always mesh well with the few instincts we have left. So the more of us there are packed in together the more stressful and mixed up life can get.  

  4. in this time scale life is complicated,but we tend to lean too heavily on the excuse of"well every one is like that/does that"

    our ability to determin right from wrong can be dulled if we continually toe the line

  5. The world is both simple and complex. It is simple in its freedom from consciousness, but complex in its beauty and variety. Humans are the complex ones - we're the ones with too much brainpower and not enough wisdom.

  6. i think we pretty much complicat life...

    sometimes things happen to challenge us, but that is not especially a complication, it's just a hiccup in the works of how we percieve things

  7. ...its a complicated matter that is self generated...

  8. Life is rather complicated to me, but I think a lot is my own doing.  We need to take things in stride.  Focus on doing for the other person; not what that person can do for me. "Get a life", is what I say to myself many times.  Things are really not as bad as they seem many times.  Hope you feel better about it soon.  Grams

  9. It is relative... complicated in comparison to what? The universe is complicated when compared to our simple lives.  

  10. Hmmm,how can one exclude the human factor when it comes to characterizing human life?There's no "objective" reality out there for us, what we will be forever getting is a product of our senses, modified by the brain.Our brain is a complex organ and we experience things in a complex way, on many different levels.You can of course simplify some of your problems,but I don't think I can believe all those people that say life is really simple in the end.

    I don't want to come across as a whiney little ****, but if life seems complicated, it's probably because it really is.

  11. I believe that life is as simple as we make it. However, our unrealistic expectations and the expectations of others, and more to the point, acting upon those expectations is one of the things that greatly complicates life.

  12. We definitely complicate life.  Just think back in the day when technology was so simple, yet limited.  People did not drive around in their cars and talk on cell phones.  People did not keep so many forms of communication available so they could be found at any time of day, or night.  

    And what about dvd's in the car? I know I did not get the luxury of watching dvd's while on a long drive around town.  I had to entertain myself or look out the window with curiosity.  

    Not only have we complicated ourselves with technology, I think we have made it more complicating to be in a successful relationship.  We have decided we are so worthy of certain things in our life, and so many people have high demands on what they need out of relationships.  They have to be wined and dined, flowers, chocolates, and not to mention diamonds that are too big and too expensive to wear out in public.  What was every wrong with being in a relationship where both people had to use their imagination to make meaningful gifts for each other, or be creative in how to court the person in getting to know them.  

    And what about s*x? It use to be a sacred thing.  Now people are having s*x at school in bathrooms, and teachers are having s*x with underage minors.  It has definitely turned into a casual s*x society.  But this complicates things. I don't think s*x, normally, is only done as a physical act for both individuals involved.  Most of the time there is one person who has emotional feelings linked to the other person.  s*x only complicates the relationship as one person now feels like they are in love and this is the perfect relationship, and the other person just thinks of it as quick action.  

    So, YES, I think we complicate things in our lives with the decisions we make.  I think we spend too much money to complicate our lives, and to make an impression on others.  

    I think more people would be happy living a simple, yet comfortable life doing the right thing for themselves and to not worry about any outside forces that want to bring them down.

    Thanks for reading!

  13. Shlane, a lot of question packed into one! Wow.

    Lets is not complicated. We wake, work, sleep, wake again. <shrug> nothing complicated about that. Now, in between, we dress...jeans, no khakis, no wait, jeans, no too casual, chinos, no wait....we eat... fish, maybe or meatloaf, no wait, spaghetti, ummm, no, tacos, ummm wait...getting complicated? Yep...why? choices. The more choice we are faced with, the more decisions we have to make, the more complicated things get.

    We, as humans, complicate matters to the nth degree. We change our minds, we hem and haw trying to make the right choice, or trying to not make one at all, we take control, we give it away, we like something, then we don't...we accept someone, then get mad and reject them.....humans make the lives they lead complicated.  

  14. We complicate life by trying to simplify it. If we simpy said "Life is simple", it would be, but we keep trying to simplify it making it more and more complicated.

  15. sometime we can complicate it. by our thoughts or not so well-thought of actions.

  16. "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. "

    Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)

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