
Is life in Istanbul really that bad?

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I live in America and everyone says don't move to Istanbul because life there is hard ... they say Americas living standards are better but to me they are the same.. what makes Istanbul worse than America to live in?




  1. We can compare Ä°stanbul with NY or LA or any city you want, but comparing Ä°stanbul with U.S.A in general will be absurd.

    All I can say right now with such a limited info you've provided, is if you are living in a cosmopolitan, crowded and big city in U.S.A, like N.Y or L.A, then you can easily live in Ä°stanbul. On the other hand if you're living in a small and rural town or city there, then life can really become hard.

  2. What standards? What are "their" standards? And what are yours?

    My standard is; i should be able to meet my friends at least once in every two weeks, have fish or grill(depending on the season) and have bottle of rakı (or two). So for my standards Istanbul is the best city.

    Of course there are problems like every big city in the world, but i wouldn't even compare it with any American city.

    You just remember,you will be the one to live,not those who says Istanbul is bad.  

  3. Buseturk,

    "I live in America" sentence is so general. You should certainly be more specific.

    Cost of living in Istanbul is about the same as it is in NY city.

    What comes to "they say it is hard" part: yes you re gonna experience kind of a culture shock but i dont think it will challenge you so hard. Maybe the education system is a bit harder here, but as far as i get, you took courses there in the U.S. So it will be easier for you and the schools we mentioned before has a varied dificulty level at most at the level of AP in USA. But if you got an ordinary USA education, there is a reason to worry coz the high school students in Turkey ARE able to handle the hardest math, science etc. problems. But that s all, "generally speaking" only problems, no extended essays, no research projects, no extracurricular activities. Well, there are but i dont think they are given importance as they are in USA.

    well, i hope i helped.

  4. Cars are very noisy an crowded even old model roaring Tir and tracks you may oppose in narrow steets and city is full of buses but however municipality owns no treleybus as Us, Eu or Ru or others, so pollution is highhere, also parks  seasides are not suitable for women and sunshine (which is vital) and nature is almost banned for them public beaches or parks (except a few, touristic by cash comparing to countries` territory)  by using habit of harrasment and violence commonly by mob like villain men as similar to other islamic countries,  also cars passes first there, without  traffic lights pedestrians have no right and has run to escape or walk along to find lights, no respect nor slowdown, no law emphasizing that so trafic accidents and violence is a  common cause of calamities.

    excepting these,

    here would be a paradise.

  5. I visited Istanbul and it is a great city, I think Americans have bad wrong image about the east. But take an advice from me, never move to a new city without visitng it first. I suggest you go for a short vacation then decide yourself.  

  6. Dear Buse,

    I am living in Istanbul Asia Side and My job is in Asia Side ...

    Our biggeset problem is Traffic,

    My advice, Your Job and Your Home can be same area ...

    But, You know we have Bosphorus which is gorgeous...

    To watch far way, to listen Waves like singing a song, Magnificent ...

  7. Istanbul?... well, it's not Constantinople.  

  8. It depends on your personality. For me its wonderful, but if you live in a rural area you'll have a hard time getting used to it.  

  9. Buse, as you donot allow e-mail, about schools near Üsküdar:

    Demand for Üsküdar American is too high and students have to take an exam to enter the high school part.

    You can try Bilfen:

    İstek Acıbadem


    Or you can choose a little farther towards Bağdat Caddesi, where you will have many more options.

    All schools have ups and downs. Don't hesitate to ask if you have a question.

  10. The cost of living in Istanbul is about the same as New York, according to a recent survey: but the earning potential for most people is far less. Standard of living (with money to support it) can be high but...

    Istanbul might have other advantages, depending on where you are at the moment and where and how you might be living in Istanbul. Climate? Culture? History? Access to other places? Health? Social life? etc

    The bottom line is that it's up to you where you live, not your friends. Could you try it for a year and see how it goes? I took a year's contract in Turkey 15 years ago and I'm still here, but I needed to make the move gradually for my own and others' peace of mind.

  11. Well, first, you have to realize many Americans know squat about other countries.  They only go off on a hinge on rumors that they've heard, so scratch any pre-conceived notions.

    Istanbul can be very expensive, but it's nothing compared to living in other big cities like LA, New York, London, or Moscow for example.  If you want to go and live there, good luck, you'll love it.

  12. Istanbul is beautiful, as is all of Turkey. If you've travelled to Europe before you will find Turkey's standards are similar. If you decide to go it's important to learn what their laws and customs are before you leave.  

  13. is it bad compared to where. there are better and worse places.  

  14. not worse than any other city... istanbul guzel ammaaaa sahipleri pek yamannn

  15. If your a Turk go you will fit and enjoy it, otherwise stay were you are.

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