
Is life insurance premiums deductible if beneficiary is a church? Does ownership matter?

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Is life insurance premiums deductible if beneficiary is a church? Does ownership matter?




  1. You may want to read this article about charity owned life insurance

  2. I agree with the other posters that a trusted professional tax adviser is the way to go with any tax questions.  You don't want to get burned.  

    For what it's worth, I don't believe that your premiums would be deductible.  If you want the tax deduction then just give the money to the church.  If you want to leave the church a large sum of money when you die, then just save your money and name the church in your will.

  3. You should really talk to an accountant or qualified financial planner about your question.  Ownership does matter because if you name a church beneficiary and gift the premiums but then later change the beneficiary (because you are still the owner), you didn't absolutely give the premiums away.  

    Like I said, a fee-only financial planner, accountant, or even an estate attorney should help put you on the right path once they know your goals.

  4. No, the beneficiary is irrelevant.

    The only time ownership matters, is if the policy owner is a corporation, then the premiums the corp pays for the insurance are subtracted from their gross income, to calculate net income, which is what businesses pay income tax on.

  5. That is a very good question.  Hopefully, you will get a tax expert to give you the correct answer.  They might possibly be since the beneficiary is a church.

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