
Is life ironic?

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Isn't it ironic that we live in a culture that elevates fame, wealth and success, but so many people do things to avoid these things.

Fame is lauded, by people shy aware from attention.

Wealth is lauted, but people over spend, go into debt and live beyond their means.

Success is lauded, but smaller numbers of people open business or pursue education.




  1. only when you over-analyze it.

  2. You can make life however you want it to be. We believe that everyone in their own way is famous because they are who they are. Join us. You are special in your own way. Be good.

  3. if you can stand outside the irony and learn from it you are indeed fortunate .

  4. Yes, this is the backside of the law of attraction at work.

    When one focuses on the very aspects that we want to avoid or that we are fighting against, we give our energy over to those subjects.  Subjects they are in our conversations or thoughts, and thus we create more of the same.

    I don`t expect warriors to agree with me about this because they have been taught to fight against since birth.  And so life goes on with a healthy dose of opposites to satisfy everyone and to make sure that things don`t get too one-sided.

    Variety IS the spice of life.  Take your pick and enjoy!  If you start to change your mind, then that`s ok too.

    Is it ironic that governments spend billions on the war against drugs. for example. and do you think they are winning that war?

    On the other side, at least they have stopped talking so much about the war against AIDS.  

    For me it`s most ironic that very few seem to pay attention to the methods of reversing what it is that they are attracting and do not want.  Those who are attracting what they prefer don`t have to change anything.  They know how to create.  They likely don`t know what they know, but who cares?  They are doing fine and if someone takes it all away from them, it`s no big deal.  They know what to do about it and before long they get it all back.

    It`s the whiners I feel sorry for.

  5. Very. It's like how far can we go into no man's land without being touched. We know it is wrong but it's the thrill of trying anyway. If one person succeeds here then we all have to keep trying. The apple is always there but just how far out of reach is it really? Or should we pick bananas instead?

  6. its ridiculously ironic.  you find yourself wanting something that somebody else has that you've always found disgusting and loving people that you didnt think you could, or finding yourself in situations that you've seen yourself on the other end of  ie the tables have been turned...basically..aha

  7. Irony is in the eye of the beholder. Some call it tragic, others comical.
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