
Is life possible outside Earth?

by Guest60652  |  earlier

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Is life possible outside Earth?




  1. yes life could exist outside earth. there are many creatures that could  live outside it. and it is called extremophiles. these creatures have the ability to survive in extreme conditions of the universe. there are many earth like planets found on other solar system. why earth is the only planet that have life on it.? no way! life is not very rare on our universe.

  2. if you watch this video it shows many galaxies in the universe.I think there's a real good chance of life elsewhere.

  3. Its possible, but no one still knows for sure, alot of alien clues turned out to be fake.

  4.   Life proliferates in all areas of the universe.

  5. It is very possible and very myth-like at the same time. It is possible because I've seen a possibility of it on Encelados, an icy, hot geyser moon of Saturn.  There's also Zillions of worlds we haven't seen quite yet. On the other hand, God has said in the bible he created us, but never said anything about other life. But, I do believe he's going to take us to Neptune or another gold planet someday.

  6. There are two sides to a very complex debate about this. Either life does exist or it doesn't. There is nothing to suggest it does not exist, but there is nothing to suggest it does exist.

    With millions of different planets in hundreds of thousands of different galaxies spotted around the universe, there is a very slim chance that life will be able to form on one. The optimistic side, states that because there are so many galaxies and so many planets, there is a possibility that life can exist outside Earth. The pessimistic side, states that since there is such a low chance, that Earth is the only planet with life on it.

    However, to answer your question, it is considered possible that life might exist, but becuase the chances are so slim, then they may be thought to be insignificant.

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