
Is life?..?

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is life exciting?why or why not?




  1. yes, because its better than the alternative.

  2. YES!, because it's life. There is always something going on. You are alive, it's the only chance you will ever have to experience anything. After death, there is nothing. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. May you have a great 2008 and beyond.

  3. it gets boring after 30 as ive heard


  5. LOL !!

    Um, - I am over 'thirt'y' and life is great!!!

    You've learned a lot, but still have a lot of learning to do...

    You don't need your parents' permission

    And of course, you Have to take the bad, otherwise there would be no exciting to follow!! C

  6. yes life is oki....sometimes with bads sometimes with goods...but it`s your life and u have to appreciate that you are alive in this beautiful`s to bad that people are mean with like this are your last moments on good things...someday this good things will retunr to you...

  7. Totally!  Tomorrow I'm flying from L.A. to the jungles of Costa Rica!  It's gonna be AWESOME!

  8. Yes it is ..coz i make it exciting .......

  9. It is certainly exciting. Because I learn many things from practical life daily. Life keeps me as a student always, so as a student my life is exciting/wonderful/informative/thrilling etc.

  10. depends on whose life, mine, at times, i have good friends i can always go to, caring family, healthy, sure i s***w up a few times and feel like life isnt exciting, but then agian, you just have to think, who makes my life exciting? thats right i do! so make it worth living, no regrets.

  11. Sometimes too exciting.
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