
Is limewire safe for Mac?

by  |  earlier

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If I get limewire for my mac, will I get a virus? I heard there is a way to have it not share your information, how do I do that? Will it slow my computer? Any other warnings or tips would be greatly appreciated!!! :)




  1. It doesn't really matter if you turn off your share settings. If you download the basic since its free, for sure you will get a virus. I advise you to get the pro its faster better results you will pay for it but is safer and free of spyware and viruses.

  2. don't trust limewire.  it'll always slow you computer, and it also opens up your hard drive up so anyone can access it.  not good :P

  3. limewire is safe for any computer as long as you make sure you know what your downloading is safe.

  4. You probably would get a virus if you download some bogus file by accident so you should buy or get a virus protector. if you are using dsl or dail up it will slow your computer down.

  5. i don't think so macs are hard to get viruses on but just to be safe download this:

    I don't know how good it works but it is the only one that's free if you want to buy something go here:

    minimum is 3 licenses sorry

  6. Whether you have a Mac or A PC, limewire is not a safe program to use. You are still at risk of infection no matter what. Yes it will slow your computer down, as it is a big computer resource hog.

    So if you use it be very very careful, don't downloat a lot at a time, don;t do it too often and make sure to have virus and spyware protection. It does exist for Mac computers, as they too can become infected. I've teken several computer classes in college this question came up a lot.

    The one reason why you don;t here too much about it, is because not many people have Mac, so the hackers go after the higher users in PC, but that does not mean that with a Mac you are a 100 percernt safe.

    So if I were you I would not install it on my computer and stick with itunes. Don;t think for a second if you 'pay' for limewire that your in any way out of the woods. It's a scam by them to make money off of you, the only thing it protect your against is those stupid ads. That's it. It does not protect you agaisnt spyware or virus, as it does not have it's own built in scanner to check what users like you are uploading to the program.

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