
Is little einsteins good for 3-5 year olds?

by Guest62476  |  earlier

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I am doing a project for a Child Development class and need to know if the Little Einsteins movie (Our Big Huge Adventure) is good for children 3-5 years old, or are they too mature for it?




  1. Little Einsteins is a piece of c**p company that makes a ton of money by scamming parents! Children need to learn from real life experiences & human interaction. Not from a video you put in front of them.

  2. yeah!!!

  3. My little sister is 4, and enjoys watching Little Einsteins.. I would think it is good for children 3-5 years old! =)

  4. They love it!!! My sister is only 4 and watches it. Even I do!!!!

  5. Hey im 12 and love that show just like my 5 year old sis

  6. yeah , i say go for it, the little einsteins are very educational and children can learn alot from there movies and there shows. i would say the age range would be 4-7 because they show big insturment directors . Ex. Beethoven, and a 1-3 or even 10 yr old would not know who beethoven is.

    if i were you i would choose Handy Mandy, very educational with some spanish lanuage on the side.

  7. little einsteins is one of those really iffy shows. sure kids will watch though they're not as engaged as with say dora. dora is the way to go and you learn just as much, you learn a foreign language, colors, shapes and numbers.

    little einsteins is neat 'cos of the rarity of the instruments and music pieces used but that is about it. i think parents appreciate it more than the kids.

  8. You are never too old to learn! They are definately not too mature for it. My son is almost 3 and he really loves the program. They do a lot of music stuff with like Mozart and other composers. Stuff that other cartoons dont do.

  9. my eight year old still loves this show, even though she won't admit it. She is trying to be mature? I think they would love it.

  10. yes little einsteins is great

  11. I have a 3 year old brother and he loves it. When the little einstiens ask a question and the kids know the answer, they love that. They think that they are smarter than the TV and who doesn't love being smarter than someone else?

  12. no it is perfect for that age... just make sure it is little enstein like with the rocketship and not baby einstein... they are too old for baby but little einstein is perfect!!- good luck

  13. yep gets there imagination going

  14. My kids (4 and 3) have watched Little Einsteins since the beginning, Fall 2005.  They still love it.

    Researchers have looked at whether educational shows made kids smarter. They concluded that kids get just as much out of a show like American Idol as brainy type shows because parents would be watching with them. The key point in their conclusion: whatever type show you choose for your family, its parental involvement that's most important.  Which is your goal with adult interaction.

    As parents, we don't plop them down and let the TV babysit them. We sit there with them and pat/clap, sing, pretend to play instruments, dance and blastoff on team a family. Are the kids smarter? Maybe, they did things sooner than other kids their age...the older one spoke over 375  words at 24 mo., recognized all her instruments and could keep a rhythm/beat at 22 mo.; the younger one spoke over 475 words at 24 mo., recognized and could name every letter at 21 mos....normal is 50 words at 18 mos.  Both understood  musical terms like forte and diminuendo and dance terms like arabesque and saute.

    Most importantly, we have a good time together as a family!

    FYI: The only TV they watch is Little Einsteins, Charlie & Lola, and Johnny & the Sprites. The only product marketing we have to give in to is books, and we willingly do so.

    Be aware: In Our Big Huge Adventure, there is a thunderstorm and a "dark, spooky" cave.  More sensitive kids might get apprehensive.

  15. I've heard many times that children that watch Little Einsteins and supposedly educational shows actually have smaller vocabularies than those that did not watch TV.

  16. yes, cause my brother watches it all the time. it is like his favorite show on tv. and he seems to be getting smarter then me( and i am starting to get jealous).

  17. my 4 yr old loves it

  18. yes u learn more then any other show i think! like theres music in the beginning of the show and they tell u who sang it.

    good moral is shown in tht show

  19. They could but that would teach them to watch TV if they watch it 2 or 3 times a week and act out scenes the other 2 or 3 days they get motor and some tv skills But also definatly watch Dora you learn as much but no music more spanigsh

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