
Is live animal skinning in China legal? or operated under the law?

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search "live animal skinning" on youtube, they show racoons, cats, dogs, and probably more




  1. Yes, its legal for some animals like snake and crocodile but for some endangered animals won't be legal.  

  2. Yes, at least I'm sure it is for animals such as snakes.  It's how they make a certain type of "BaiJiu", which is a type of rice vodka.

  3. for what animal?

  4. it's just disgusting. I hope it's illegal.

  5. Let's not talk about China first...   Have you actually visited any Slaughter House in any country before??  Even outside Asia... there's alot of what you may considered disgusting or cruel...

    Please go and visit your country's Slaughter House before you wanna comment on another country.

    China skin snakes alive??  Not at all, they just didn't wait for the snake to completely die before they skin it, that's all.

    Have you seen chicken struggling to only inhale back their own blood after slit thru their throat?  they could jump as high as 3 metre if their legs are not tied together.   these happens everywhere in the world.

    And for those who thinks that Dogs is Men's best friend and should not be slaughter as food.  Let me give you some facts:  Pig are so much cuter and smarter than dogs and why no one on earth ever symphathise on them???  Do chickens, ducks, geese deserved to be treated like this (born & breed in a cage just to be slaughtered later for food)?  What about those cute little trembling Lamb when you order your BBQ Lamb Chop on your dining table celebrating the birth of Christ with all your loved ones (family)???

    Do you know that there's a sport call catch & let go in the fishing industry???  They literally used very cruel double side steel hooks to hook the fish up, brutally removing the hooks from the fish conciously knowing that there's a reversed side sharp point that keeps the fish from escaping while hooked. The fish was released with grevious injury and left to be healed by itself.  Which country people love this sport most???  I'm sure these people know very well that there isn't any Fish Doctor in the deep sea to take care of the aftermath.

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