
Is liverpool cooooool team?

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Is liverpool cooooool team?




  1. of course john lennon pwns

  2. liverpool is the best !! good man

  3. No theyre not cool theyre just good. Its all Gerrard and Torres. U liverpool fans dont have a whine because this is coming from and Arsenal supporter.

  4. yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...

  5. Yes, very good.

  6. they alright

  7. no liverpool are lucky and will not win the title this year

  8. huh

  9. Everton!!!!

  10. Ok team, NOT cool tho, Not in my opinion at least.

  11. ehh they werent so cool yesterday :p (only stevie)

  12. LiverFOOL!

    no offense (bc i'm answering a q frankly) but they're sucks! i hate em!

  13. Nooooooooooooooooooooo!! Arsenal4lyf

  14. h**l yeah there cool... but they suck really bad compared to the big 3

    they're usually out the title race before Christmas

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