
Is living in mexico safe for a girl?

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im going into grade 10 and for my grade 11 year, i really want to live mexico. im working on my spanish and everything. my mom, her boyfriend and i would all move down there. we were thinking of the carribean side. tell me what you think.




  1. You will be just fine.    I live the state of Veracruz. There are many great cities.  If you are not in the border areas next  to the U.S. border, and you have nothing to do with drug will be just fine.  The Mexican people are very kind and friendly. There are many bilingual hopefully there will be one near you.  Most Mexican high school students study English and love to have someone to practice with.  They can help you at school.  Most high school students are very serious about their studies. Many kids do not stay in school for high school...and those who do are the cream of the crop.  High school graduation is a really big deal here...they have a SUPER banquet and and dancing for hours and hours and the whole family and all the friends of the family of each kid goes...there can be over 1000 people...everyone is so proud of the graduates.  I hope things work out well for you.

  2. A little over half the people living in Mexico are female!  Imagine. Carribean side?  for me I hate the sea,  love the mountains.


  4. just dont drink the tap water

  5. Ok, I am Mexican, lived 30y there (Monterrey and Veracruz), spend a lot of vacations in Mexico City and Guadalajara.

    I took a course on International travel from my previous employer, the training was from a company who negotiates ransoms in 3rd World Countries.

    I have several Mexican friends and family who have been "Mugged" in Mexico City. And is likely that you will stand-out as foreigner.

    Truth: Mexico is #1 for Kidnaps for Ransom.

    It may be a "Flash of the Obvious", but the "Victim" is simply chosen by Risk-Profit.

    That said. Here are some recommendations to increase the risk and be discarded as a feasible victim (No worth the effort)

    1) Stay away from High-Risk neighborhoods.

    2) Don't show any Jewlery, avoid paying cash.

    3) Be aware of your surroundings, look around you often.

    4) Don't take Taxis in the street, always ask the restaurant/hotel to request one for you and if posible send the license plates by Cel (text) to a friend.

    5) Routine is the worst thing, we were told "Non-express" kidnaps take at least 6 months to be planned. A predictable routine increases your chances of being chosen.

    An Express Kidnap is when the criminal takes you to an ATM for Cash, because of the daily limit, they will keep you overnight so next day (1:00 am or so) they will take again to the ATM for the next day limit.

    It is not the Weak, the Old or the Young Buffalo who is killed by the wolves, is the Dumbest One. There are plenty of Buffalos out there, just do your best to be "Ruled-out" as an easy victim.

    Of course there are millions of girls in Mexico that deal with this every day, but take into account that in the mind of the criminal a regular American Girl living in the Caribbean is expected to have parents with access to 50K USD min.

  6. course it is!! unless u hang out with the worng corwds

  7. its pretty safe but their are a few big cities that dont seem that safe mostly the big cities near the U.S border but other than that your ok

  8. its up to the girl.......but i think its okay though.....theres a lot of girls in mexico....

  9. I moved to Mexico younger than you are now. I was barely 9 years old and didn't know any spanish or anything about the country. I actually thought Palm Trees was going to be a common site in Mexico City... I was so wrong.

    Of all places we moved to Mexico City, a place where rural mexicans are afraid to even come close because the city has such a bad image of being ultra dangerous blah blah blah. Thing is, I've lived here for like 15 years and I've never been mugged and I go to dangerous neighborhoods all the time all alone.

    Mexico City is just like any big US city. I actually feel more safe in downtown Mexico City than in Los Angeles. Avoid the bad neighborhoods, don't be walking alone in dark alleys at night, don't flash money everywhere and know that there's pickpockets that steal cellphones and wallets so just don't leave those things in a purse without holding onto it very well.

    I don't know the peninsula area very much, but I know the city of Veracruz (haven't been there is ages though, I'm sure the city has changed in these 7 years).

    Most likely you'll move to a small city or even a village where everyone knows eachother and everyone is very polite to eachother. It's not that people in Mexico City are rude, but being such a mumbo jumbo big city, it's harder to get to know all your neighbors in comparison to a village with only 100 inhabitants.

    I've heard a lot of people like the city of Mérida in the state of Yucatan. Never been there, but I've heard it's a nice and small city in the tropics. The weather is apparently inhumanely hot almost all year round, you are warned. Of course, being a person from Mexico City as I am, we're all a bunch of weenies when it comes to weather. When the weather gets over 75° which is kinda rare, we're all whining it's so hot whereas it's usually over 100°F in Monterrey. hahaha

    You'll probably have a nice experience moving to this country and I tell you, learning spanish will be d**n useful when you grow up. Another thing that's nice about growing up here is that mexican schools don't tolerate bullying.

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