
Is looking for a job on a corporate website a waste of time?

by  |  earlier

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I've looked at job postings on the websites of the following companies: Proctor and Gamble, ConocoPhilips, CITGO, Edward Jones, Shell, BP, Eli Lilly, Marathon Oil, and Haliburton.

Most of them have between 100 and 300 jobs posted, but even with a degree in business and over a year of work experience I never meet the minimum qualifications for more than 3 or 4 positions. They want engineers, chemists, accountants, finance/economics majors, or graduate business students.




  1. Looking for a job on the corporate website is frustrating because they don't always keep them up to date.  I've wasted a lot of time in the last month filling out online applications and then found out the job was filled a few weeks ago.  In both cases, the job was still posted long after it was filled.  

    Now I call human resources first, but they don't always know so it's still a gamble.

    I hate job hunting!

  2. look at website.

    in this website u can get many jobs that u want by several options.

    I think that the firms didn`n want to waste their money for advertise on websites. and u can trust them and u must be honest on your resume.

    I am living in iran and want to migrate to Canada or USA den im looking for an accountancy job.

  3. Yes, finding a job online is a total myth. i have tried, I have a master's and nothing has happened. I went to a resume specialist and everything. Try an agency, that's my next step.

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